Checking-In With Your Clients
Recently someone asked me for a list of 10 things they should be doing to drive up business. I gave them the following list:
- Stay in touch with your clients
- Stay in touch with your clients
- Stay in touch with your clients
- Stay in touch with your clients
- Stay in touch with your clients
- Stay in touch with your clients
- Stay in touch with your clients
- Stay in touch with your clients
- Stay in touch with your clients
- Stay in touch with your clients
I would always give this advice but now this has never been more important. With the current Covid-19 crisis continuing, many of your clients are in a position they would have never imagined. Being in insurance, we know the phrase, “Parade of Horribles,” but I would be hard pressed to find anyone in the industry who had this float leading the parade. When they came into your office, you probably discussed the importance of life insurance in the event of an untimely death. You probably discussed the importance of having a complete package coverage for their auto/home insurance, or possibly an umbrella policy. It is highly unlikely that the topic of a pandemic came up. Your clients are looking for as many answers as they can find, and as their Discussion Partner, they will look to you to provide the answers regarding insurance and financial services.
This is not the time to be selling. That day will return (and we will be discussing this in future posts) but in the meantime, you need to be calling 100% of your clients and checking-in. The conversation does not have to be long but a reminder that you are thinking of them, their family, and their business. Reassure them you are personally available at any time. If you have been following the steps of a Discussion Partner, you will know what grade their kids are in and can ask how schooling at home is going. We all love the feeling of when we know someone is thinking of us. It helps build trust. As I say often in my books and presentations, “people do business with people they know and trust.” When you call your clients to check in during this hectic time, you help build the relationship. They know you aren’t trying to capitalize on the crisis but are genuinely looking out for them.
What are some ways you check-in with your clients? Send me an email at [email protected] or visit me at and let me know!