Checking for CEC certification ? Now check for an SAA when you switch to solar !
Exciting News for Solar Buyers : Solar Accreditation Australia Transitions to SAA
If you've been keeping an eye on Australia's rooftop solar scene, you're in for some exciting changes! On February 29th, Solar Accreditation Australia (SAA) stepped into the spotlight as the new accreditation scheme operator, reshaping the landscape and putting you, the consumer, at the forefront.
Why does this matter to you?
This shift marks a departure from the previous co-regulation system led by the Clean Energy Council (CEC), signaling a new era with the Clean Energy Regulator (CER) playing a more significant role as the sole industry regulator. But what does this mean for you?
Enhanced Standards for You
The transition from CEC to SAA is more than just a name change. It represents a commitment to addressing regulatory challenges in the industry, ensuring higher standards, increased transparency, and greater accountability. With SAA, you can expect a focus on integrity, responsible practices, and the enhancement of overall industry standards.
Why SAA Certification Matters for You
Solar Accreditation Australia's role as an independent, not-for-profit body means that your solar installers and designers now have a clear mandate to prioritize your interests. Stephen Robertson, Chair of SAA, emphasizes that this shift is a significant milestone in improving standards across the solar energy sector.
What You Need to Know
If you have a solar installation or are planning one, here's the important part: accredited installers and designers have a three-month window under the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) to transition to SAA. This ensures you maintain eligibility for small-scale technology certificates (STCs).
What You Can Do
Stay informed! The move to SAA certification ensures that your solar provider is part of this new era focused on integrity and accountability. You can find detailed information on how your installers and designers can make the switch on the official websites of the CEC, SAA, and CER.
In summary, this transition is good news for you as a solar buyer. It means a commitment to higher standards, improved transparency, and an industry dedicated to your needs. So, keep an eye on your installer's certification, embrace the change, and be a part of the exciting future of solar energy in Australia!