Check Your Inner Circle
Rosanne Reid
Certified Int'l Speaker, Global Business Consultant, Marketing Expert and Global Trainer
You will never succeed past the level of your inner circle. Check those closest to you. Are they supporters and builders of your purpose, or are they traitors and assassinators of your highest calling?
Do a check and see who is around you regularly, who influences your decisions, whose voice feeds the subtle undertones of your lifestyle and decision making?
What voices are influencing your life? What are the motivating factors in your environment? What are the deal breaker factors in your environment?
What needs to change? Do you need to find different mentors, leaders, team members and supporters?
Check!!!.....the path you are called to serve in by the divine creator will NEVER manifest with the wrong associations and environment. You will only get so far and no further.
The decision is yours. Are you willing to do what is necessary to ensure you fulfill your life's calling? Or will you continue settling for a shell(fragile image of success with no sound foundation), for less than you are worth, less than you are called to be?
God has more in store for you, so much more....Trust HIM, Pray for a Heightened Level of Discernment and Wisdom as you go forth.
TODAY BE AT PEACE WITH KNOWING THAT YOU DESERVE MORE!!! It is never okay to settle for Less. You are loved.....Believe it!
#LessonsfromaLegend #ThePurposeCall #Lifepurpose #FromtoPurpose #TrustGod #HaveFaith #TheDreamMonetizer