Is Check Point + Wiz ≥ Palo Alto Networks?
This was the succinct, though perhaps overly arcane, title I had hoped to use for an opinion piece analyzing the announced partnership between Check Point and Wiz in cloud security. In the event, I was informed that Omdia's content management system might baulk at exotic symbols (I was tempted to ask whether '≥' is really that exotic, but heigh ho...) and so had to settle for something rather more verbose, but which nonetheless conveys that same basic idea, namely:
Can Check Point plus Wiz outdo Palo Alto Networks in the cloud?
The piece distils my initial thoughts on the topic, covering things like the relative strengths of each of the partners and trying to assess their combined potential against Palo Alto Networks, the current market leader in the cloud native application protection platform (CNAPP) market.
Palo, as it is affectionately known in the trenches of the Cloud Wars, has been going from strength to strength over the last year or so, executing effectively on its well-publicized platformization strategy and reaping the top- and bottom-line benefits. Thus, mounting a serious challenge to Palo in cloudsec is currently a tall order, and perhaps one that requires a partnership between the nos. 2 (Wiz) and 3 (Check Point) to achieve anything.
Anyway, it's free-to-air, though you may have to provide you name and email address to access it (and we won't be accepting any Charlie Chaplins, Che Guevaras, or Slobodan Milosevics...). Take a gander: