Check this out:Which imports and exports are banned? Starting January 1, 2024, the latest list of prohibited goods by Chinese Customs has been updated

Check this out:Which imports and exports are banned? Starting January 1, 2024, the latest list of prohibited goods by Chinese Customs has been updated

Important reminder: Notice on the import of goods prohibited by the Chinese Customs

With the continuous development of global trade, understanding the import and export policies of various countries is crucial to ensure the smooth operation of logistics and transportation. We would like to remind you to pay special attention to the goods that are banned from import into China.

As a significant trading country, China has strict regulations on the supervision and management of imported goods. Some commodities are explicitly prohibited from import due to factors such as environmental protection, public health, and national security.

In order to protect people's health and safety and the environment, and in accordance with the "Foreign Trade Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of the Import and Export of Goods," the List of Goods Prohibited from Import (the Ninth Batch) and the List of Goods Prohibited from Export (the Eighth Batch) are hereby promulgated and will come into effect on January 1, 2024.

Please note that for laboratory-scale research or use as a reference standard, the import and export prohibition requirements of this catalog do not apply.

Violating China's ban on the import of goods will not only lead to the seizure and destruction of the goods, but also may result in legal liabilities and economic losses for the involved logistics companies. This can adversely affect your relationship with customers and damage your company's reputation.

To ensure the smooth operation of your logistics business, we recommend the following actions:

  1. Before accepting any goods, confirm the type and source of the goods with the shipper to ensure they do not fall under China's prohibited import category.
  2. Strengthen staff training to familiarize them with China's import policies and the list of prohibited imports.
  3. Maintain close communication with Chinese partners to obtain the latest policy information and regulatory requirements promptly.

Compliance is the cornerstone of sustainable development. We hope you will place great importance on adhering to China's import regulations to maintain a healthy and orderly international trade environment.



