Check out these recent education headlines...

Week Commencing 31/10/22 Headlines?


Boosting reading in secondary schools: 6 Ofsted report findings?

Watchdog says tips from top schools will help others improve reading for struggling pupils and inform its own inspections?

Takeaway Topics:?

  • New guidance provides evidence of what has worked in some schools to support pupils struggling with reading?
  • Regular screening assessments are critical – regular assessment and monitoring often stops at Year 9?
  • Member of the leadership team should be involved in raising reading standards and staff should be trained in early reading?
  • Book choices and reading materials students are interested in is key?
  • Training and resources could be marketed to schools to help with reading support beyond Year 9?

Schools Week news article?


Iceland boss urges Sunak to extend free school meals as ‘critical priority’?

Food Foundation estimates cost of providing free school meals to families who claim universal credit would be £500m a year?

Takeaway Topics:?

  • Henry Dimbleby, Jamie Oliver and Marcus Rashford are also behind this proposal?

Guardian news article?


Powys County: Schools may go online one day a week to cut costs?

Takeaway Topics:?

  • Could this be an option for schools across the UK??
  • What might this mean for pupils and families??
  • What resources would schools use to support home learning if they took this route??

BBC news article?


‘Not enough money’: secondary school heads warn MPs of budget woes?

Energy costs, staff pay rises and inflation have left schools unable to pay for repairs, mental health services and trips?

Takeaway Topics:?

  • Will funding be provided to schools and if so, will it aid teacher retention??
  • What will be first to be cut if schools lack funds??
  • What will their priorities be to spend their budgets on??
  • Now more than ever, schools will appareciat discounted subscriptions (which might mean they’d be up for committing to a longer subscription if it’s a good deal) and free resources?

Guardian news article?


Teach First, the government’s flagship provider for attracting high-flying graduates into teaching, has recruited the lowest number of trainees in four years, missing its target by a fifth?

Takeaway Topics:?

  • With some of the UK’s leading employers offering starting salaries of £50,000, Teach First simply can’t compete?
  • What does this mean for the numbers of new teachers over coming years??
  • What does this mean for the calibre of teachers entering the profession??
  • Does this make the ‘levelling up’ agenda even less likely to be fulfilled??

Schools Week news article?


Vulnerable families fear school return?

Push to get children back to the classroom leaves families with severe health conditions feeling their needs are not being met?

Takeaway Topics:?

  • Some pupils have health conditions that mean catching Covid could be fatal?
  • What support is currently available for these pupils??
  • Can more be done to support those who are forced to take the home education route??
  • What resources can these pupils and their families access and do they know about them??

Schools Week news article?


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