Check out the latest in #energy and #shipping from Poten and Partners

Check out the latest in #energy and #shipping from Poten and Partners

#LNG in World Markets: Chinese Buyers Advance Term Contracting

Chinese buyers – both the state-run majors and next-tier firms – continue to push ahead with LNG long-term contracting activity, as they eye volumes for projected domestic demand as well as for trading and optimization purposes.

Read the rest of this feature from Poten's LNG in World Markets

#Tanker Opinion: The Recovering Dragon

In December 2022, China announced that it was reversing its zero COVID policy and lifting most COVID related restrictions.?Initially, news articles reported a significant increase in cases, but gradually these stories disappeared and it seems the situation is now similar to Western economies where cases occur regularly but the economic and societal impact is limited. We will examine how China’s oil demand is recovering in the Post-Covid era.

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#LPG in World Markets: More International Crackers Looking to US for Ethane

US ethane exports surged 21% in 2022 to 447,000 b/d (about 9.27 MMt/y), according to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA).?Exports should increase another 10% in the next two years to 490,000 b/d in 2024, on more ethane-based cracking capacity additions, expansions in US export terminal capacity and increased gas plant production of natural gas liquids.

Read the rest of this feature from Poten's LPG in World Markets

#LNG Market Outlook: European Import Forecast Lower on High Storage

Due to a mild winter, voluntary demand cuts by some industrial consumers and a steady influx of LNG, the European natural gas supply crunch has eased and inventory levels are strong. As a result, the European import forecast for 2023 and 2024 has been amended lower by 8% and 4%, respectively.

Read the rest of this feature from Poten's LNG Market Outlook

#LPG Market Outlook: US Export Growth Supported by Production/Inventory

US LPG production is forecast to climb by 5% to 91.7 MMt in 2023 as natural gas production continues to be robust despite declining natural gas prices. LPG production is forecast to rise by another 5% in 2024 to 96 MMt as production and takeaway capacity, particularly in the Permian Basin, continues to expand.

Read the rest of this feature from Poten's LPG Market Outlook

#LNG Finance in World Markets: Ship Funding Edges Higher in 1Q 2023

LNG ship funding stayed robust in 1Q 2023, reaching its highest quarterly level in three and a half years. This follows a buoyant 2022 when it jumped 37% to $8 billion from $5.7 billion in 2021. The financing secured in 1Q 2023 is for LNG carriers, floating storage and regasification units and floating liquefaction.

Read the rest of this feature from Poten's LNG Finance in World Markets

LNG: After the Pandemic - May 9, 2023 at The Houstonian Hotel, Club & Spa, Houston, Texas

A Fireside Chat with Michael D. Tusiani, Gordon Shearer and Jason Feer

Fresh off the press of their latest industry book, "LNG: After the Pandemic", Poten Chairman Emeritus Michael D. Tusiani and Senior Advisor Gordon Shearer join Global Head of Business Intelligence Jason Feer in conversation to examine the lessons learned from the two black swan events of a worldwide pandemic followed by the Russian invasion of Ukraine just two years later.?To join us for breakfast, networking and conversation, visit the event page to request your seat.



