Check geolocation accuracy or fraud using FouAnalytics

Check geolocation accuracy or fraud using FouAnalytics

Did your ads even run in the right countries, states, cities? If you have FouAnalytics in place, you can check. GEO_COUNTRY shows you where your ads ran. If the campaign is meant for the U.S. you can see 99.8% of your ads went to the U.S. If there are other locations in the data, and they are more than 1%, you can add those countries to a negative target list to clean it up even more. FouAnalytics also reports on city and state, if those are important for your campaign.

If you want a more fancy 3D map, which plots the locations of the ads you bought, click into the Map tab in the FouAnalytics dashboard. You can hold the CTRL key while you drag the map and see different angles. You can also zoom in and out using the scroll wheel on your mouse. Note that impressions that are centered around cities obviously make sense because humans live in those cities. Note the giant column right in the middle of the country. That is the geolocation of any IP address where the network doesn't have a lat, long for.

If you filter for fake-device:1, you'll see something really cool ... the locations of major data centers around the country. Note Dallas, TX, Ashburn Virginia, Boston, Ma. The height of the red columns reveal where the data centers are. The height of the column reflects the number of impressions at the same lat, long.

Note that bad guys deliberately misdeclare the geolocation -- if they add in a geolocation into the bid request they always get higher bids than when geolocation is missing. They can also misdeclare the geolocation so their bot can start eating up your impressions. Obviously bots in data centers like in Ashburn Virginia will easily get blocked, so the bots have both the motive and the means to fake the location so they don't get blocked and can get the ad to load. This is why it's useful to check geolocation occasionally with FouAnalytics to see if there's anything strange going on.

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