Check Element Existence in Arrays (2)
Bernardo Aguayo Ortega
Senior Software Engineer @ ZeroCopyLabs | React & Next.js Specialist | Building Scalable Web Applications with JavaScript, TypeScript, and Node.js
If you work with a hard code values is easy to work with them because you know where are the values inside the array.
// you have an array with names const names = ['name1','name2','name3',...] // you can access for example name2 because you know the position console.log(names.indexOf('name2')) // return 1 // but what happen with an item that doesn't exist? console.log(names.indexOf('name4')) // return -1 that means that the element doesn't exist // so you can do something like that to check is an item exist
console.log(names.indexOf('name3') === -1 && true); //return true
fortunately for us there is other much easiest way to do this "includes method"
// you have an array with names const names = ['name1','name2','name3',...] // use includes method
console.log(names.includes('name4')) // return false
but what happen with more complex data? (objects)
for the more complex data you cannot use includes and those cases you can use 'some' method.
some method
The some method takes a callback function with its own parameters and iterate over each element of the array.
// array of objects const persons = [ { name: 'random1', age: 5 }, { name: 'random2', age: 4 }, { name: 'random3', age: 56 }, { name: 'random4', age: 11 }, { name: 'random5', age: 90 }, ]; // use some method
persons.some((element) => element.age === 90); // return true or false
with some method at least one element need to match with the condition, once have a match the iteration stop and returns true or false
Hope that you enjoy this post with love Bernardo Aguayo <3