Check In Early...

Check In Early...

As I sit here at Heathrow Airport, having a bit of breakfast before I board a flight to meet the rest of my family...

I look around me...and it's busy and crowded

Not sure who's together, who's not, not really knowing where everyone is going and who will be on my flight.

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Everyone is either engrossed in conversation or in their phone. (I would have said books but that's rare these days). They're in a world of their own, ready to escape the world they're in - whether it be for business or pleasure.

Now you may be thinking..."what's this got to do with LinkedIn or marketing or anything in relation to what you're an expert in?"

But it got me thinking....

Less than 2 years ago, this airport was in lockdown. Not a single person occupying it other than the staff who were hoping and praying that they would still have a place to work once the pandemic was over.

And when things did start to open up, many were cautious to come back to the 'old world'. Infact, I remember seeing many pictures from those who were brave enough to travel of a very under-used airport.

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As a result, those who did take the steps to get back into it - STOOD OUT.

So much so, that many news channels who were following this story looked to them for comments and opinions giving them more VISIBILITY than even they planned for.

Yet today - NO ONE STANDS OUT!

Even those on their own - melt into the crowd. Into the Sea of Sameness...

And that's exactly what is happening when it comes to LinkedIn and why I am so passionate about my clients doing what they can to STAND OUT & encouraging those who haven't yet taken the steps to do this - to DO THIS.

Right now, LinkedIn is one of the best, if not the best (in my opinion) for organic reach and therefore organic growth

Today, it's a little like an 'underused' airport compared to other social media platforms - but that's a good thing for you

It means, when you start using #LinkedIn right you can:

  • STAND OUT and elevate your personal brand
  • Create CONTENT which will be seen by more people
  • Be SINGLED OUT for your expertise
  • Have CONVERSATIONS and get to know others and invite them to board your plane with you - if they're lost and need help

But that will only happen if you are brave enough to arrive at LinkedIn Airport...

I speak to many people who say they want to learn more about LinkedIn; know they need to get on the platform; know their clients are on this platform.

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But they wait. For the right time, right place, right moment and the reality is, there is no right time, place or moment. Because whilst you keep waiting, you're missing amazing journeys and destinations.

Journeys and destinations that will enrich and empower your life and business.

And if you want some reality - here it is.

If you wait much longer, you WILL arrive at a busy, crowded LinkedIn Airport where you can no longer stand out. You'll be on standby - because your competitors have already booked their flights a long time ago...

So time to let go of the fears, anxieties about showing up and being visible, the limiting thoughts about what may happen.

Because the question you need to ask yourself is: What is NOT happening because you're not here?

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Happy Friday - and hope this week's edition has sparked you into LinkedIn Action

A GIFT for you:

Standing out starts with your LinkedIn Profile. And I have created a '21-Pointer LinkedIn Profile Checklist' for you to ensure you get started the best way.


Abdur Rehman

Business Coach | Digital Marketing Expert - Build A Successful 6-Fig Online Businesses

2 年


Cheryl Hartwick - Mortgage Broker

Providing You or Your Clients Expert Advice on Mortgage Financing | Ensuring you receive the right product that fits your future plans & goals | Referral Partners to your homeownership | Apply Below

2 年

Great reminder to stay focused and continue on the path, I may need to save this one when I feel bogged down from no traction, Not there yet!



