Cheat or ChatGPT ?
The problem with using Chat GPT or another similar App is when people are presenting the content processed by AI as their own creation.?
When we use someone else's text, we feel obliged to quote this text and cite its author. Even if the author is unknown, we are still talking or mentioning that it is of unknown authorship or origin. Respect is due not only to the author, but also to the recipient of the presented form. If we do not specify the origins of our work, we are clearly implying that it is our own.
I remember the times at school when we created cheat sheets to prepare for stressful exams. These cheat sheets were very small so that they could be hidden well. Their small size determined their purpose, so they could only contain hints and selected words that could help develop the content. ? Soon, technology will enable potential cheaters to present material that is not theirs during live exams, not only in written form, but eventually through bone conduction headphones, and the time will certainly come when chips implemented in the brain will enable them to speak as if it were their own knowledge.?It is very easy to imagine a certified physician and his or her diploma is based on artificial intelligence, that he or she will soon have the full authority to aid and advise their patients. Engineers who have obtained their titles based on AI, can cause problems when at one point they’ll decide to be really creative in their work.
There is no question that there are definitely countless opportunities to leverage AI for our benefit. Thanks to this powerful technology, we can build extremely advanced technology that can improve the comfort of our lives, safety and even our health.?While there are opportunities, there are also different types of dangers. It is impossible to predict all potential problems and threats. The problem lies in the potential misuse or accidental use of such powerful technology and in people whose goals are based on greed or hatred.?Time will tell and hopefully people involved in creating operative machines based on AI technology will be held accountable in case of any possible disastrous consequences.?
I would like to emphasize one problem here that intrigues me, observing growing popularity of using Chat GPT or similar Apps. I think about millions of creative people who devote their lives and whose work was and will be based solely on their own creativity. They put a lot of heart and work into creating a masterpiece that will now join the AI data set. Any person will be able to use part of this material, which after algorithmic processing will have the features of new content and after a few seconds new "authors" will be able to shine with "their" creativity and eloquence.
No matter how much we would like to justify that the ownership of a particular author's work is not infringed because his work is mixed with the vast amount of available content from other authors, the problem still lies in attributing the origin of the published content.
I am shocked how the use of AI creations has become the new norm and presenting these creations as one's own is considered completely normal. I recently watched an interview on Bloomberg with Microsoft CEO Satya Narayana and he mentioned that he writes his emails using Open AI (ChatGPT). But what struck me was as he laughed that the recipients of his messages, who knew him well, began to point out that his emails had been very nice lately. I think this is extremely dangerous. The tendency to use artificial intelligence not only for personal and business communications, but also to promote this type of correspondence and messaging as if it were something cool or even the new norm.
Of course, each of us can use any form of communication, but we should feel obliged to inform the recipient about the origin of the content of our message, and not give the impression that these are our own words. If you are writing an email, text, song or poem and using Chat GPT, be sure to make the recipients aware of the source of "your" work. If you use any AI technology to create your content, say so. If you don't want to do it for others, do it for yourself. Remember that if you use Chat GPT and present it as your own work, you are not only fooling others, but also yourself. When you use the app, make this clear.
I believe that without publicizing and raising awareness of this problem, the use of content created by artificial intelligence will become a widely accepted norm, and the number of self-proclaimed creators will grow rapidly.
Additionally, promoting these applications by their creators, corporate giants, and encouraging their use even in private correspondence unfortunately has a huge impact on creating this trend. Young people will increasingly want to shine with their creativity and eloquence derived from artificial intelligence.
Fortunately, there are millions of people who do not want to cross this line and will always value the reliability of their work and respect their recipients.
I have published books by several renowned authors and recently completed my own book, which is the result of many years of work.?I know how creative people may feel in this new, challenging situation.
Therefore, we should start advocating not to use these OpenAI apps and perhaps promoting the AI Free logo would help spread awareness about it.
I believe that the growing awareness of the problem will have a psychological and moral aspect that can influence people to be true to themselves, and true to the recipients of the content addressed to them.
At the same time, I believe that the use of artificial intelligence would be fully justified if this fact was visible, e.g. through the use of a Chat GPT logo. Labeling the text this way would, in my opinion, be an equally positive step in promoting honesty and may one day become the norm. For now, let's promote not using AI powered writing tools. Let's free ourselves from artificial intelligence.
Adam Golebiowski