Is Cheaper Better?

Is Cheaper Better?


In a world of high accessibility, businesses have had to adapt to a rigorous market of demand. As consumers, we’re able to compare dozens of products at once to make purchasing decisions and in most cases, the lowest price becomes the priority deciding factor. While this may mean big savings for a typical household item, businesses can suffer pretty big losses in the long run with this strategy. Quality & efficiency should be the main concern for business purchases. At IKEUCHI, we pride ourselves in our high quality and precision guarantee products. With the initial investment in our humidification system, you’re not only guaranteed an overall improvement in your facility, but lower operating costs for years to come. Here, we will discuss what exactly differentiates us from the counterfeits out there as well as how we can benefit your business in various aspects.

Key Distinguishers

We’ve compiled some features that make it easier to identify our products vs the imitations out there.?

  • Number of nozzles: AKIMist?”E” has a maximum of 4 nozzles.
  • Signature green egg with brown nozzles: AKIMist?”E” body is a green color and nozzles are brown with a white top towards the orifice. Many imitations use a different shade of green, or a different color altogether. Same goes for the nozzle color, anything besides the brown with white tip is not produced by IKEUCHI.
  • All AKIMist?”E” have the product name (in English on one side & Japanese on other) and IKEUCHI logo on the body.
  • See below for other examples:

Is There A Noticeable Difference In Performance?

To put it simply, YES. Like any successful product, there are a lot of attempted copycats out there but lucky for us, our precision technology and attention to detail is near impossible to replicate. Some of these imitators have nailed the look down, but when it comes to function and quality, there is a huge difference.?

With humidification systems, the spray nozzle’s performance is crucial to improving your manufacturing process, the quality of your end product, operating costs, and overall productivity. So, the initial price tag on imitation products may be appealing, but the operating costs are double of AKIMist?”E” in the long run. Also, with our dry fog technology and precision guarantee, there is no threat of wetting your valuable equipment or materials.?

Something else to consider in imitation/counterfeit products is inconsistency. We’ve seen scenarios where nozzles have burrs & streaks, causing spray pattern, distribution, impact strength, and water consumption to be inconsistent. This production error means for you:

  • Larger amount of water consumption
  • Insufficient performance
  • Easily clogged nozzles
  • Increase in running cost
  • Reduced quality for your final product
  • Increased maintenance time and cost to replace damaged nozzles
  • Frequent nozzle replacements

On this type of humidification system, if one nozzle has a low performance, it creates a domino effect of low performance on multi-nozzle arrangements. This again, means potential harm to your production and higher costs.?

We not only design & produce these humidification systems, but we are specialists in nozzles. Our commitment to a high-quality product goes beyond the initial design, we put one nozzle per batch of production under the test to ensure proper function. IKEUCHI’s precision is guaranteed, and our nozzles are consistent in:

  • Spray capacity
  • Spray angle
  • Spray angle tolerance

Please do not confuse our quality products for the many imitations & counterfeit products available on the market.

Japanese Precision Technology: AKIMist?E Humidification System

  • Water humidification system with no threat of wetting materials and equipment
  • Prevents static electricity in facilities
  • Easy installation: Add to existing HVAC
  • Adaptable to any layout
  • Humidifies AND cools
  • Reduces product loss during production
  • Improves product quality
  • Low maintenance

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