Are Cheap Sunglasses Just As Good As More Expensive Ones? Or Not So Much?
The primary purpose of wearing sunglasses is to guard your eyes from those damaging UV rays. With the majority of even the cheapest products advertising 100% UV protection, are cheap sunglasses worth it?
In most situations, cheap sunglasses are not worth it. While they’re better than nothing, they may not properly protect your eyes from harmful UV rays. Higher quality sunglasses ensure protection while providing optimal vision and durability.
As we age, most of us become more conscious about our eyes and eye care. Over twenty years ago, I had corrective laser vision surgery. Ever since then I’ve become diligent in protecting my eyesight.
While hubby has always had 20/20 vision, nowadays, he’s also become more aware. The fact neither of us can read the backs of pill bottles without a magnifying glass is a reminder we’re not getting any younger. LOL
When it comes to fun in the sun, we insist on quality sunglasses that are reasonably priced.
The Benefits of Cheap Sunglasses
The million-dollar question ??, are cheap sunglasses worth it? Low prices, convenience of purchasing and fashion are some of the benefits of cheap sunglasses. Heck, for under ten bucks, you can pick up a pair almost anywhere.
Who doesn’t like a little variety in styles and colors? As long as they have a UV sticker, you should be good to go, right?
Or so you would think....
***You can read the full post at: Are Cheap Sunglasses Worth It? An Inside Peek into The Puzzle (