CHC/SEK’s Southeast Kansas Diaper Stock receives COX Charities grant
Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas
Healthcare the way it should be.
Thanks to the COX Charities Community Investment grant, Southeast Kansas Diaper Stock will have even more diapers for babies in need.?This grant will help 550 families with diapers.
As one out of 20 area organizations selected to receive funding through the 2022 Community Investment Grant Program, CHC/SEK was awarded $5,000 to support the Southeast Kansas Diaper Stock.?
“We are thankful to receive the grant and we know that each baby that receives those diapers is even more grateful,” said Patient Education and Support Manager Julie Laverack.?
This year, COX had a record number of applications. The Cox Charities Advisory Council, a diverse group of 20 local employees, went through a thorough determination process and have made their selections for the grant recipients.???
The Southeast Kansas Diaper Stock is a collaboration of local partners who came together with a common purpose — to get babies clean diapers. CHC/SEK was involved in the inception of the project and has recently absorbed the program under its umbrella over the past year.??
In their first year of life, babies use approximately 2,500 – 3,000 diapers and on average, diapers cost $0.37 per diaper. This means parents can expect to spend about $500-$900 annually, not including diaper supplies such as wipes. Diapers cannot be purchased with Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits.???
Lack of diapers and diapering supplies doesn't only have an effect on the child’s skin and cleanliness, but it also has an effect on attachment between parents and child. Currently, the Southeast Kansas Diaper Stock serves over 300 families each month.???
Want to help???
Reach out to any of the community partners, such as CHC/SEK, to make a donation of any sized diapers, wipes or pull-ups.???
Partners include: Birth to Three, Crawford County Health Department, Crawford County Mental Health, Community Health Center-Southeast Kansas, Early Head Start, KCSL-Healthy Families, Mother to Mother Ministry, Parents as Teachers-Greenbush, Tiny Dragons Literacy Program, and Vie Medical Clinic. All of these agencies provide free, voluntary, in-home or in-office services to families with young children. Each program offers some form of parent education, child development information, and/or other positive support to families.?