Chatham House Con
Imagine there was a GovCon conference where folks actually talk about the topics that were on their minds without fear of reprisals...
We did a poll of GovCon Chatham House members and asked for topics to discuss business-to-government (B2G), Business-to-Business (B2B), and Government-to-Government.
I dare one conference host to run even ONE of these sessions...
Business to Government
·????? Addition by subtraction: here are the program offices you need to shut down entirely if you want to continue the charade of trying to deter/defeat China.
·????? Intervention Time: Stop using the word Innovation or RFI burnout - The toll on industry.
·????? Hackathons to solve TBM challenges to find money to pay for innovative pilots....actually DO something!!! Move faster for the love of god ????????
·????? How to break free from Stockholm syndrome and live the life you deserve (B2B/G2G joint session)
·????? As soon as interest rates drop, and the commercial market starts buying again, we're leaving you.? A 3PAO is enough to accept risk on your behalf, I don't care if it's the JAB, or the AO in DoD, or the CMMC AB.? Get out of the way, or get ready to lose when things get kinetic.
·????? Here is where education and communication need to be improved. Let's show you how to do that.
·????? From aerospace innovation to storing pee in jars; Howard Hughes, a microcosm for the DIB.
·????? How many RFI's does it take to get to the center of a funding pop
·????? Lock-out: Why lock-in is the least of your worries
·????? Building software shouldn't be an artisan craft. Digital engineering tools and automation will revolutionize software, as the manufacturing of physical goods has changed over the last 150 years. This will save the government years and 10's of millions of dollars over the full system lifecycle and enable interoperability and the adaptability.
·????? Macaroni Sculptures versus Innovation Theatre: Opposing Systems and Outcomes
·????? Unmask the Fear: Truthful conversations about Priorities, Needs, and Acquisitions
·????? Stop asking about CSDRs and just tell us what you what you're willing to pay for software. Zero and $Free.99 are not acceptable answers.
·????? S&T / R&D orgs trying to build pseudo products to maintain budgets diminish industry participation/competition and lowers quality of tech that goes to field.
·????? how to do fractional public service as a dc outsider via remote seta roles
·????? SBIR shops stifle innovation
·????? Business and personal tax credits that avoid IRS scrutiny.
·????? Please just get us to the person with the ability to make a decision. Everybody wins.
·????? How to describe what you REALLY need not the latest shiny object.
·????? Practical guidance to rapid funding and collaboration
·????? Why do you say you want to interact with small business when it's clear you don't?
·????? CPARs and what the ratings really mean
·????? Please talk to industry - Of course you're being fcked by Boeing, your KOs won't pick up the phone to talk to anyone else ??
·????? Help Me Help You: You Bought a Product - Now Use It
·????? Why do I need a FCL to get a FCL
·????? How can we find safe spaces to co-create together all the clever ideas that don't get implemented
·????? Consolidating Innovation Activities Across Agencies
·????? Knowing the constraints on moving from experimentation to scalable, production ready systems
·????? Buy my stuff and stop asking about CMMC
·????? How do we best keep our core principle as technology agnostic" AND reign in the focus to stay competitive
·????? Partner Horror Stories: Most Infamous Backstabs of GovCon History
·????? The Customer is the Warfighter- if you are at this conference you are probably not the warfighter
·????? Security Doomerism is the CCP's greatest asset (How ATOs stifle innovation and crowd out non-traditionals)
·????? Over a long enough timeline, Everything is Dual-Use
·????? The force structure of Theseus; how compatibility requirements with old technology and conops guarantee the force will always be 30 years out of date.
·????? Why can't you all consistently do Long Range Acquisition Forecasting?
·????? How to build an effective strategy for educating within the industry?
·????? Why do you lead me on?
·????? How can we update the process for small r? (Outside of ships, tanks, subs, planes, and the other large R requirements)
·????? How to not work for free for the government while you try to build them the thing they want.
·????? Your Whole Concept of Lockin is Wrong
·????? Ever wonder why field and HQ work so differently from reach other? (Stop pretending Silos are good)
·????? Say No faster
·????? How to pay for the same thing twice
·????? Understanding the timeline disconnect between budget and disconnect.
·????? Is the Government's preference for Small Businesses in defense acquisition a strategic move or a desperate gamble?
·????? For the love of God, stop empowering people who can only say no! The buzzword salad is going to get people killed! Single use solutions are placing more burdens onto a military that is stretched thin already, get better stuff that solves multiple problems!
·????? Creating Product for your users like your job depends on it.
·????? Dual-Use or Bust
·????? Primes are good at scaling/producing, SBCs are good at innovation. Both are bad at the other thing. Fund accordingly.
·????? Snake Oil or Real Capability: How to Move Beyond PowerPoint and Stop Rebuilding Commercially Available Capabilities
·????? Procurement Timelines and the Theory of Special Relativity
·????? Please tell us how you are going to enable insertion of rapid technology without using the words rapid or innovative
·????? Why something that is real is better than a fucking PowerPoint.
·????? Why Winning a Government Contract Feels Like Surviving a Reality Show
·????? DOD's USB-C - How can industry help drive true interoperability
·????? How to Stop Govvie ADHD: Focusing on a Technology Strategy with Adoption/Changes Down to the Command Level
·????? Small Business Set Aside Theater (We're Empowering Small Businesses! ??????)
·????? When do we transition the culture of 'no we can't because of.. x,y and z' to a culture of 'how can we remove the road blocks of x,y and z to get to a yes'
·????? Boldly Going Nowhere: Breaking Free from Bureaucratic Inertia in Defense Acquisition
·????? The solution doesn't have to be innovative - it just needs to fucking work.
·????? Stop being assholes to us. We're on the same team. (Alt title - How to get what you want from SB without destroying SBs).
·????? You don't need a giant vehicle to do that
·????? What the fuck are you thinking awarding rates of 90-120 bucks an hour for a k8s sme, do you even cloud bruh
·????? You don't actually want AI, you just want well designed systems but you can't tell the difference.
·????? Leaving Abusive Relationships: No, you cannot build better the thing that industry is already providing commercially
·????? #LOEs aren't imaginary according to Arlington but are according to the KO why?
·????? A View from the Primes: How Smalls Can Stop Acting Like Smalls and Be Taken Seriously
·????? You fucked us by not sending everyone home and just paying the jobs program tax to remove steps, time and function from every process
B2G Topic
·????? Honest conversation about the state of the technical skills of PMO personnel
·????? Contracting Confidential: Group Therapy for Business and Government: Navigating the B2G landscape can feel like group therapy, where everyone comes together to work through their contracting challenges.
·????? Beyond RFIs - how to engage productively as humans in a B2AI2AI2G world
·????? Structures and Systems for building better, consistent, and reliable feedback loops.
·????? Get your shit together or we're leaving when I count to 3.
·????? 5 hacks to deliver more effective innovation right now
·????? Here's how you know my shit doesnt suck and Im not trying to cheat you and the American people
·????? How we fully remove the government procurement process entirely and take the whole system private.
·????? Agile vs. Fossil: When Startups Meet Stone Age Procurement
·????? WTF do you actually want?
·????? Solution how to create and host a ATO pitch day (if we can do contracts in a day, why can't we do ATO in a day)
·????? Buying Enterprise SaaS for Dummies (and Feds)
·????? Selected Not Funded - The SBIR Rollercoaster
·????? You don't want dual use.
·????? How to align rhetoric with action in contracting and innovation.
·????? 100 things you are permitted to do under the FAR today (even if you only learned one way to execute contracts)
·????? We Really Don't Want to Own Everything - how DefTech can and should enable Mission Heroes
·????? How innovation actually happens: If you keep having the same 3 people approve ideas, you'll keep getting the same results
·????? We're all in this together - why gov PMs should have some social skill and interact more with industry BD/PMs/ELTs without hiding behind the FAR and getting all weird without the KO around
·????? Fuck DOJ's Civil Cyber-Fraud Initiative or Why we became the near peer adversary
·????? Why using insecure email to correspond about disruptive, step-change innovations is a bad idea.
·????? Kant-as-a-Service; why does every USG org have its own interpretation of USG ethics policies, and do you want industry to build a Turbotax or AI tool to get on the same page?
·????? Buy more real software, less services and developmental contracts from SIs
·????? Guess what's in my pocket? (and other fun requirements generation games)
·????? We need to talk business models. Not everyone should be treated like the DIB and not all solutions need to be exquisite.
·????? Why is DoD Keen to Frustrate, Squezing the DIB with CMMC's Weight?
·????? How to identify and prevent technology tourism
Business to Business?
·????? Let me tell you why your product/service sucks and here is what you need to do to fix it so you don't get Americans killed while depending on it.
·????? RFI Strategies and What Works
·????? How to build a Growth Team that super powers your Proposal Ops team while integrating with your operations team
·????? Why do you hate me?? I'm not greedy I swear!
·????? Ways to learn from each other to implement ideas across the government and benefit businesses.
·????? radical collaboration with the Primes
·????? How I learned to stop worrying and love acquisition by a prime.
·????? When it comes to war, we are on the same side
·????? Stop hiding your wrap rates and just be transparent with subs
·????? Build new business models around delivery of modular components and adaptable production capabilities, instead of old CPFF models for development.
·????? Strategic Partnerships for Startups: How to not Die from Culture Shock after Working with 30 Adults on One PowerPoint.
·????? The Delicate Balance of Collaboration with other Small Businesses to Win Bigger Contracts
·????? Let's be honest - trade shows are just an excuse to drink and collect travel points.
·????? Just because you can build a great (insert hardware/weapon/vehicle) doesn't make you a great system integrator.
·????? obliterate, don't automate; why you're thinking about ai wrong and how you can rearchitect your business from the ground up
·????? Attritable systems: a race to the bottom.
·????? How to extend sales cycles into eternity.
·????? Working together and forming strong partnerships trumps being a d** and trying to steal our tech.
·????? How did you really get that DoD contract.
·????? Scaling your business without losing control
·????? Did you read the email I sent before you called?
·????? SB teaming, get out of the hobby community if you want to graduate and scale.
·????? GovCON - Navigating the contracting landscape for good in a way that feels illegal but isn't ??
·????? Acquisition Isn't Innovation
·????? Your certifications don't mean shit, WTF do you actually do?
·????? How can we align to get prices down
·????? Who actually makes decisions here
·????? Building consortiums that deliver value
·????? How the heck do I win a SBIR?
·????? while also taking on great opps that may not align with current strategy. ??"
·????? The CR: How to Trip Out of the Gate Every. Single. Year.
·????? My AO is better than your AO- How to spell reciprocity
·????? I love you, you love me, we're a happy family
·????? How to act like every sector is a winner take all sector.
·????? Half of you are fucking CCP stooges; I've locked the doors and we're going to present the dosier we have on each compromised attendee. Mr Mcwyer can you please stand up?
·????? Get past the marketing BS, just tell me what you really, really do
·????? Best practices to get to a SBIR
·????? Ok, how did you really do it?
·????? What offices to target and why.
·????? Our P-Win Without One Another is 0: Quit Talking Yourself Into Doing Stuff In-house If You Suck At It
·????? Your IP isn't the moat you think it is. (Everyone knows what you're doing)
·????? Why do most partnerships suck
·????? Win-Win? Is there more value capture by partnering or consolidating?
·????? Is the Defense Industrial Base exploiting the government's tech desperation for profit?
·????? A rising tide floats all boats, stop being ridiculous and work together.
·????? Avoiding COTS at all costs
·????? We're on the same side. Litigation hurts everyone. If you don't get selected, take the L and move on.
·????? Productive Teaming: How to be More than just a Lamprey
·????? Dating vs the Friend Zone: navigating relationships between bigs and smalls
·????? Sooooo, this whole PPBE reform thing...are we really doing this, because the band broke up and we still can't plan program budget or execute for shit.
·????? How to stop being a proxy for bad government policies and requirements just to CYA.
·????? Backstabbing and Bottom Lines: When Competition Trumps Collaboration
·????? Race to the bottom: Make SIs good (again?)
·????? Playing Nice: How to pay your damn subs on time!
·????? We're Just Not That Into You (The Prime Who Used Me)
·????? When Innovation is Exploitation: Dark Defense Tech Transfer
·????? Why are all of you such shitty partners?
·????? Stop being assholes to one another. You're on the same team. (alt title - Would you like to use my toilet paper or yours? The case against NDAs).
·????? Def tech is not the Hail Mary your VCs need
·????? how to stop back stabbing 101
·????? Why sign an NDA when you're going to steal our ideas anyways
·????? Let's be real, there's not enough for both of us to eat. Why B2B partnering is the hardest part of industry collaboration.
·????? Frenemies make the world go round.
·????? It's Not Me, It's You: How to Read Through the Lines to Know When a Government Organization Has No Interest in your Solutions
·????? How to take advantage of the next pandemic --- send everyone home, pay them to not work, and watch your top performers get more done
·????? Industry Anonymous: Confessions of a Deal Groupie: It plays on the idea of being addicted to land
·????? Beyond SBIRs and VC - how to build a profitable defense business without diluting your focus or cap table
·????? Rate my Pitch: Direct feedback on marketing/outreach approaches
·????? What were we thinking?
·????? Aligning sales with government procurement stages
·????? OK ok ok guys. Lets stop making shit terrible for the American people. Anyone who uses your shit must be able to easily and simply submit feedback/advice that will be seen by the product team that can make changes. Seriously WTF are we even doing here.
·????? I really want to know what CISOs find to be their top three most useful vendors and more importantly which are the worst and why.
·????? Artificial Unintelligence: Selling Machine Learning to People Who Can't Learn
·????? If you Keep Letting Lawyers Govern Your Vendor Onboarding Processes, You'll Become as Slow as Government
·????? just pay for second front
·????? Will you be around in three years for that RFI?
·????? How to avoid demonizing companies which have a different business models from yours.
·????? How to voltron together a team of super friends to defeat the evil empire (redacted)
·????? Stop the Knife-Fighting - How to not step on each others' throats as we deliver value and outcomes to mission owners
·????? How to stand out in the sea of mediocrity that is the current state of GovCon
·????? Enterprise Buyer Characteristics of the Defense Market: lessons learned from Pharma, Industrials, and other highly regulated markets where the buyer and user aren't the same.
·????? Dealing with a customer that will be stupider longer than you will be solvent
·????? China is not your friend so stop pretending they are.
·????? U.S. Moneyball Corps (USMC); split the group in half, have each side design a force ready to defend Taiwan by 2027 given the FY25 RDT&E budget. Winning team's captain becomes the next USDRE or DARPA Director, their choice.
·????? Define your partner ICP as deeply and precisely as your customer ICP.
·????? How to make friends and partners like your business depends on it (because it probably does)
·????? Your Popsicle may look cool and taste a little different, but it is still just frozen water. Although adding tequila was a power move.
·????? For CMMC, If You Charge Small Businesses $250k, National Security Isn't Your Play
·????? The death of good UX in enterprise solutions
Government to Government?
·????? The Spider-Man standoff: why warfighters, HHQ staffs, and acquisition organizations will point the finger at each other when testifying before Congress why we lost a war to China
·????? Consolidate Innovation Centers & Showcase Real Results
·????? So...which innovation organization do you love the most?? It's DIU isn't it?? ISN'T?? (Laughs in HII)
·????? how to sideline subpar colleagues
·????? Rich PM Poor PM; how and where to find money outside the POM for S&T.
·????? Reciprocate or die (in your siloh)
·????? Why do all of our cloud platforms suck?
·????? Set framework for interconnection of common data standards and GRAs
·????? Joint means together OR Don't copy my decade old idea and call it new
·????? What Are We Really Afraid Of? Real discussion about innovation transition from small businesses
·????? TTPs on how to get your program offices to not recycle old PSPECs and solicitations for new things.
·????? from the Grace commission to Elon's DOGE - why you should take a usg wide lean out seriously, and what it could mean for your dept
·????? New boss, same as the old boss: coping, measuring wind direction, and doing it with a smile.
·????? TTPs on how to have constructive conversations with commercial businesses trying to get you the solutions that make you successful and the nation more secure.
·????? How to identify companies that are actually good at AI
·????? We should write a 24 page problem statement and never clearly define the problem.
·????? Let's talk about how special each of our requirements are, are we all really that special and different?
·????? OPSEC through obfuscation - how to hide your data from other offices, because if we don't know what we're doing, they don't know what we're doing ??
·????? F*ck, Marry, Kill: The Case for a Nimble Government
·????? We know WTF you're up to when you release a GSA RFP with 14 days to submit and why this is a dumb idea!
·????? How can we get our heads round subjects we don't understand like AI, EW or quantum
·????? Events don't count as doing innovation
·????? How to design competitions that enable you to evaluate the credibility of technology businesses
·????? Spicy hot takes of government acquisition professionals who don't want to use FAR 15
·????? Unknown Future Risk is much bigger than Known Contract Risk
·????? Hedging our strategic technology bets with venture backed tech.
·????? You bought them, lets use them; how tactical nuclear weapons use can bridge our conventional capacity gaps while we rebuild our industrial base.
·????? We really need to have a better experiential program to rotate into and out of Industry as part of our government leadership career paths.
·????? Planning is not a strategy why do you do it?
·????? Will the real 20% please stand up (Pareto)
·????? Just because it's government owned does not mean it isn't locking you in too.
·????? Everything I needed to know I learned in Kindergarten. (Stop pretending like closed career ecosystems matter)
·????? Oh - you're rebuilding COTS products too?
·????? Fire half your people and end up working less.
·????? Incompetent acquisition or intentional obfuscation: Is the Government setting itself up for failure?
·????? Stop pretending that real world experience doesn't matter, you can't automate away actual operational understanding.
·????? Awarding multiple contracts costs less in the long run. Lets stop falling for the planning fallacy
·????? Do we even need adversaries when we have each other?
·????? minimalism
·????? For fuck's sake can we figure out how to get ATOs to innovative companies.
·????? Paper Pushers and Policy Zombies: How Bureaucracy Kills Innovation and Puts Lives at Risk
·????? Stay in your lane: Define problems vs prescribed solutions. Pick Winners
·????? Centers of Excellence Follies: Why centers of excellence create choke points to innovation.
·????? Innovation Theater vs. Getting Shit Done
·????? Han Solo? The Risks and Rewards of Independent Action in Defense Policy
·????? Your program or initiative has been tried or done before. Get out from behind your SAP wall and stovepiped office and go talk to the people that have done this before. Get promoted. We need you.
·????? How to stop being assholes to everyone. We are supposed to be leading this team.
·????? Lets not all buy the same thing 6 different times
·????? can we all agree on some form of control implementation guidance for the top 50'critical controls so that we can stop playing red rover and calling it GRC
·????? Stop wasting R&D dollars on things you can buy off the shelf today
·????? Left Hand meet Right Hand. We're all in this together.
·????? Will the GAO ever have fangs? Will the end user ever get the Unicorn they requested , or end up with a goat and a duck taped horn again... Find out on the next ep of GOVCON...womp wompppppp
·????? How to take advantage of the next pandemic --- send everyone home, pay them to not work, and watch your top performers get more done
·????? Ways to improve technical skills of workforce
·????? Bureaucrats & Backchannels: The Art of the Gov-to-Gov Tango: This title plays on the complexity and coordination involved in government interactions, with a bit of humor.
·????? Beyond ATO - from risk avoidance to risk management with the need for speed
·????? Interagency Data Exchange: Best practices for securely sharing information
·????? What happened to us?
·????? Putting a stop on innovation theater ??
·????? How we fully remove the government procurement process entirely and take the whole system private.
·????? Red Tape Tango: Interagency Cooperation, Reciprocity, and Other Myths
·????? How the SES Corps Fails DoD (Way More than KOs) and Must Be Forced to Retire En Masse
·????? We need more protection, Let's create a new program level!
·????? What procurement activities are you successfully doing in your organization that our lawyers say are impossible or illegal in our organization?
·????? How one FFP contract allowed us to deliver more capability oconus than our last 15 contracts with the primes and how you can too
·????? The Platform" Paradox - Why DoD is Obsessed with Building Platforms Instead of Enabling Missions"
·????? How to actually implement change management in your organization (hint: it's not just sending an email)
·????? The 1st baseman isn't buying the dugout seats - how to build better relationships with your operational community for higher mission performance.
·????? How to grow a pair and slaughter low-IQ bureaucrats
·????? How to do reciprocal AOs.
·????? All money is red when you hack it out of a body; How many innovation organizations do we have to slash to pay for Replicator?
·????? Say the quiet parts out loud - outside of certain pockets of excellence, the DoD is largely a jobs program in no way incentivized for delivering real capability with pacing threats
·????? It is not mission creep when I do it: why do things once when we can do it twice for triple the cost?
·????? It's long past time that we have a Gov't purge. How do we facilitate a finger snap?
·????? The DIB is on Point with CUI, Will Gov Give it a Try?
·????? How collaboration can save warfighter lives and taxpayer dollars
Defense Tech Development | USMC veteran | Advisor | Boundary Pusher
6 个月Why the importance of rapid-response-timelines need to be applied from all contracting perspectives. Add limited personal, add hustle & incentive, or both. *Also add what, how, and accountability guidelines with sharp (shark?) teeth.
Chief Executive Officer at Quantum Improvements Consulting
6 个月Having been on both sides of the fence, I understand that the solutions to your gripes are not solved by cranking at "the customer." When I worked for the Army, I thought pretty much everything about the system was stupid too. But I couldn't fix it, my boss couldn't, my boss's boss couldn't, and neither could her boss. This is the reason people develop relationships with their Congressional representatives. Start there.
Entrepreneur, Veteran, YC Alum
6 个月You need to have a coat check at the door for egos and not coats
GCH | I’m not sorry for my opinions, I earned them.
6 个月Michelle Currier, CPCM, CFCM