ChatGPT in a writing class: A start
Zach Justus
Faculty Development Director and Professor at California State University, Chico
My semester of experimentation with ChatGPT rounded a corner this week with students turning in their first assignments. I am encouraging them to experiment with the program and be transparent about their experience. My goal is to learn how students want to use the program in a writing class to better inform future practices and educate myself.
Several students were open about experimenting with the program this week, but used it in unexpected ways.
I will be curious to see if additional students take advantage of the tool moving forward naturally. In the coming weeks I will also be requiring usage to help students understand how to check for accuracy and edit for clarity.
I will be writing this sort of log of observations from working with the class throughout the semester here, but my friend Nik Janos and I are also writing about ChatGPT more broadly (I will also cross-post this stuff). We have posted an article about faculty responses to the program (ignore, fight, or embrace) and are working on aggregating research and thoughts about academic honesty in a word with text generators. If you want to follow some of that work in addition to hearing how it is going in my writing class you should check out the website.