ChatGPT vs. DeepSeek: A Friendly AI Showdown
As someone who’s spent a lot of time talking to computers—starting way back when "talking" meant typing precise commands into a stubborn terminal—I love putting AI to the test. So when I heard about DeepSeek R1, a free alternative to ChatGPT-4, I had to see how it measured up.
Would DeepSeek surprise me with its capabilities? Or would it make me appreciate ChatGPT even more? I picked a few real-world tasks to compare them head-to-head. Here’s how it went:
Round 1: Building a Project Schedule
The Task: Create a clear, concise project schedule based on a statement of work. Ideally, in a nice table format.
Winner: ChatGPT. Tables are hard enough to love—broken links don’t help.
Round 2: Researching for Song Lyrics
The Task: Help me generate ideas for a song, providing creative lyrical directions while staying on task.
Winner: ChatGPT again, but this round was closer. Neither quite nailed it, but at least ChatGPT followed directions better.
Round 3: Creating an SEO Plan
The Task: Develop a strategic plan to improve website search engine optimization (SEO).
Both AI models understood the fundamentals of SEO and provided reasonable recommendations.
Winner: A tie! But speed matters, and ChatGPT was just a bit faster.
Final Verdict
? Speed: ChatGPT was consistently faster.
? Execution: ChatGPT handled structured outputs (tables, documents) better.
? Creativity & Task Adherence: ChatGPT stayed more focused; DeepSeek occasionally wandered.
But is this an unfair comparison?
I've been using ChatGPT for a long time, so I know how to get what I want from it. Maybe DeepSeek would perform better if I spent more time learning how to prompt it effectively.
?? The Money Question:
DeepSeek is free. ChatGPT-4 is $20/month. Is it worth it? For me, the answer is yes—ChatGPT saves time, and its ability to process large amounts of text efficiently is a huge asset.
But AI changes fast.
I’ll be checking in on DeepSeek again in a couple months to see if it catches up.
Have you tried DeepSeek? How does it compare to ChatGPT for you? Let me know in the comments!