ChatGPT using python Api
Have you ever wonder to connect/communicate CahtGPT using python Api?
Here are the steps and learning to go forward using windows OS.
This article talks about the steps to connect ChatGPT using python Api.
1) Create an virtual environment using Anaconda navigator. my virtual environment is "openaienv"
2) Install required Libraries: while installing if it asks for dependent library please install
Python "3.10.0". The reason for the particular version is, it goes hand in hand with openai library below version
openai "1.3.6". The reason for the particular version is, it goes hand in hand with Python library above version
3) sign up using the link to openai:
4) once you are signed up , create your key
5) create key using :
6) note down your key in notepad,so you can use it in your program
well now you have made your half way!!
Lets start with the exiting part.
Note: if you are using VS code don't forget to select your virtual environment
Your first code towards openai.
Please comment and share, If you have wrote your first program towards ChatGPT using the same way or different way or yet to try or trying.