Will ChatGPT replace jobs? The Syndicode’s point of view

Will ChatGPT replace jobs? The Syndicode’s point of view

The buzz around AI is deafening, and we couldn't resist diving in! Syndicode employees have been collaborating with chatGPT to turbocharge their work for a while already. But are we witnessing the rise of a robot revolution in our company??

We’ve asked team members about what they think. Get ready for some surprising insights!

Dmytro Lvov, front-end developer

I've taken ChatGPT 3.5 and 4.0 for a spin, and let me tell you, they're impressive but not ready to steal my job just yet.

While playing around with it and throwing different tasks its way, I noticed something peculiar—it had a bit of a "hallucination" problem. It conjured up methods that didn't exist in the library.

On one occasion, I spent a good couple of hours trying to get it to handle a simultaneous drag and drop of multiple items in a list. No matter how much I explained and set expectations, it just couldn't deliver a fully functional algorithm. In the end, I had to roll up my sleeves and write the code myself.

In my opinion, ChatGPT shines when it comes to solving lengthy, mundane problems. But when it comes to replacing a seasoned human specialist like yours truly, it's still got a long way to go.

Roman Mazurets , Ruby on Rails developer

I use version 3.5 of ChatGPT, and I must say it has its perks.

When it comes to tackling simple algorithmic problems, it proves to be quite handy. This makes it particularly useful for those preparing for full-stack developer job interviews, where algorithms often take center stage.??

Personally, I've found it incredibly efficient for sifting through Google search results. Instead of scouring manually, I can rely on chatGPT to swiftly provide me with the answers I need.

Interestingly enough, my non-tech-savvy friend managed to leverage chatGPT to script data input and output from a database for an application. It provided a solid foundation, and while I did lend a hand in the end, I must say it was quite impressive.

ChatGPT may not be a silver bullet, but it certainly has its moments of brilliance!

Daria Dremliuga, business analyst

I use ChatGPT version 4.0 to bring structure to my ideas, transforming them into polished presentations for management and clients alike. It frees up my mental bandwidth, allowing me to focus on the essence rather than the form. This supercharges my ability to prioritize and spot relevant insights.

Yet, is chatGPT going to replace me? Not likely. You see, it requires careful guidance to produce plausible results, so the role of a business analyst remains irreplaceable. Clients seek analysts to aid in formulating, clarifying, and structuring requirements for development teams. Even if developers were to be replaced by AI, the vital link between clients and the robot, the translation of requirements into robot-friendly tasks, still demands a human touch.

What is your experience like with ChatGPT? Don’t hesitate to share in the comments!



