ChatGPT - New Potentials
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

ChatGPT - New Potentials

For the past couple of weeks, the tech world has been taken aback by the introduction of ChatGPT. An AI capable of understanding natural language and capable of writing detailed essays on subjects as well as delivering code for technical challenges - A fascinating progression indeed.

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ChatGPT explaining why it is not a replacement for humans :P

As fascinating as it may be, Social Media as well as Linkedin is full of videos of people being scared for their jobs and fearing that ChatGPT may replace them very soon. There is a tinge of truth to this - lol an AI explaining articulately as to why it is not replacement to humans is an AI to be really wary of, but as much as ChatGPT may be a risk, the potential and opportunities that it brings to the table is enormous.

  • Imagine being a Product Owner and being able to leverage GPT to be able to rapidly prototype the requirements. Just imagine transforming a well written user story to a working software by just interfacing with GPT
  • Imagine being able to process large volume of text data such as user feedback, user complaints or user comments and being able to generate sentiment and tone analysis - just by interfacing with GPT

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Tone analysis of one of my previou s Linkedin article by ChatGPT

  • Imagine being able to create documentation and explanation for your program and being able to generate operating procedures for workload that is being offloaded

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ChatGPT explaining a program execution step by step

  • Imagine developers being able to optimize the program or being able to transform or rewrite legacy code (That everyone is very scared or even touching)

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  • Imagine being able to create better customer experience by creating integrating GPT within customer chat or VR which can understand and respond efficiently to customer's natural language
  • Imagine being able to integrate GPT to customer facing professionals which can help them service customers as well as double check information/content on the fly without any overhead at all

The possibilities of leveraging ChatGPT are endless and advancements such as these can enrich humans in ways that are limited only to our imagination. At present, GPT is not optimized for enterprise and already there are new work being undertaken to see how GPT can be leveraged and incorporated to the enterprise and how it can improve the potential of human workforce (Augmented workforce).

While some may attempt to use GPT to reduce their workforce, the true benefits will only come if you are able to augment humans - for as ChatGPT itself wrote, "Human intuition, emotional intelligence and social skills are critical"

Down the line, in other 1-2 years, it may not be surprising for recruiters to look for key phrases like "leveraged ChatGPT" or "Utilized ChatGPT" in technical resumes.

Technological advancements are just tools, they require human creativity and ingenuity to truly reach their potential utilization and realize their value to this world.


