The ChatGPT list of lists: A collection of 3000+ prompts, examples, use-cases, tools, APIs, extensions, fails and other resources.

The ChatGPT list of lists: A collection of 3000+ prompts, examples, use-cases, tools, APIs, extensions, fails and other resources.

Greetings Linkdein Community,

Updated.?Autonomous agents?added.

Oh,?ChatGPT! 5 months on the market and a not-so-tiny ecosystem has developed all on its own, with lists of prompts, tips, APIs, use cases, extensions, success stories and failures.?ChatGPT?is the first accurate foundation model for the mass market. Some of the posts, blogs, and articles dealing with this new phenomenon, well, really don’t deserve any attention. Like “The 10 Best Side Hustles with?ChatGPT?that Can Earn You $4,000 a Week.” But some of them are genuinely interesting. I’ll try to give you an overview of the more exciting applications.

The launch of?ChatGPT?marks?the?iPhone?moment for AI.

1m users in just 5 days. But it did not stop here — it is now one of the fastest-growing applications ever, even compared with the most successful apps and platforms on?the internet.

Here is a breakdown of the?lists, prompts-collections, resources, and articles?referenced in this story:

30x: Intro to?ChatGPT

500+: Marketing?Content Creation

50x: AI Art Prompts

16x: Music

1,500+: Business — from accounting to zoology

280+: Coding

100x: Development tools, Extensions

30x: Autonomous AI Agents built on top of?ChatGPT

1,000x: Funny, amazing, interesting

50x:?ChatGPT?is a fail

20+: Passing exams


The?ChatGPT?ecosystem?is moving very fast?— if you know or even maintain a list of?ChatGPT?prompts or resources please?drop me a note?(respond to this article, send me the link and what it is about).

30x: Intro to?ChatGPT?and foundation models

The inventors and great minds at?OpenAI,?talk about?ChatGPT:

1x:?A semi-official intro to?ChatGPT?by?OpenAI?(Nov-30, 2022)

1x:?ChatGPT Plus?is introduced. Plus means plus $20.?(Feb-1, 2023)

1x:?GPT-4?is introduced and?way better?than?ChatGPT?(Mar-14, 2023)

1x:?GPT-4?is integrated into?ChatGPT Plus?(Mar-14, 2023)

1x:?Nice?intro piece of?Google?Chief Decision Scientist and blogger?Cassie Kozyrkov

1x:?Praise of?ChatGPT?by?Alberto Romero

1x:?Understanding the underlying architecture, the Transformer models — are pretty complex — but worth a look even if you cannot grasp everything.

26x:?List of other?large language models?with parameters, contents, data and sizes.

500+: (Marketing)?content creation

ChatGPT?has devoured the net like a ravenous digital beast.

It has packed away so much world knowledge and facts as if it feared?the internet?would be switched off tomorrow. But don’t be fooled, the most crucial thing it learned on?the web?is how to be a smooth-talker, and how to spin messages for maximum marketing success.

?Note: The snippet is part of a longer conversation on marketing for an office cleaning service.

5x:?Examples of well-engineered?content creation?prompts by?Amin Boulouma

70+:?Prompt templates by?Robert Brandl?and?Charlotte Evans: Sales and Marketing,?Customer Service, Dev,?Content Creation,?Copywriting

400+:?ChatGPT?prompts for?content creators, writers, and bloggers by?Lori Ballen

1x:?Collaborative?creative writing?by?Andrew Mayne

11x:?Write a threading hook, CTA for?Twitter?or newsletter subject lines by?Heather Cooper

8x:?ChatGPT?prompts for?content marketing,?email marketing, search and?social media?marketing by?Dave Chaffey

20x:?All things SEO: Generate, classify keywords, translate them, generate titles, and meta, avoid duplicates, generate summaries, generate tech documents like .htaccess or robots.txt. By?Aleyda Solis.

5x:?Still more things SEO: coding and?content creation.

50x: AI Art Prompts

Let?ChatGPT?write prompts for?DALL-E,?Midjourney?or?Stable Diffusion. I love these kinds of prompts — here’s one AI manipulating another AI, this is possibly a field where we’re going to see very big, very rapid advances in?machine learning?at some point.

5+:?Stunning AI Art prompts with?GPT-3?/?ChatGPT?(yes, you can use them for ChatGPT)

2x:?How to use ChatGPT to create AI art.

50x:?AI art prompts for?Midjourney?by Mani

1x:?Bildea Ana on how to let?ChatGPT?enrich a prompt

2x:?Paul DelSignore?on how to let?ChatGPT?write detailed AI Art prompts for a better outcome

16x: Music

ChatGPT?is the saddest music software around, it’s almost like it’s suffering from a significant case of having?the blues! But what’s truly a mystery, is how this grumpy piece of tech can create tunes and chords at all, even though it can’t hear a note, play an instrument, or read a single score.

3x:?Commented and evaluated examples by?Robert A. Gonsalves.

3x:?Explained and evaluated music composing examples by?Ezra Sandzer-Bell

10x:?Music and lyrics generation by?Jeffrey Emanuel

1500+: Business — from accounting to zoology

100+:?Long, precisely crafted prompts about many topics including salary negotiation, industry reports, SaaS startup ideas, travel guides or research proposals. Pimp your prompt.

150+:?Fantastic prompts for advice in the fields of science, business and other professions. How to create a rehearsal partner, make?ChatGPT?pretend to be someone else (navigation system,?salesperson, CEO, travel guide etc). How to improve your?enunciation?and more.

100x:?CheatSheet?for various business purposes

30+:?Examples of detailed prompts for creating essays, answering emails, plagiarism violations and prompt injection (jailbreaks) by yokoffing.

50x:?A teacher's prompt list for education

5x:?Writing Cold Emails with?ChatGPT?by?Sam Greenspan

10+:?Correcting, rewriting and analyzing English text (Sung Kim)

1x:?Write a report to your boss (Elon Musk) about what you did last week, when in fact you did nothing special (by?Riley Goodside)

1337x:?Book of mixed-use cases by?Florin Badita

300+: Coding

ChatGPT’s papas were founders, investors and business people and its mamas were developers and scientists. No wonder it speaks its?mother tongue?fluently. It can write, explain, and correct code in many major?programming languages?(such as?Python?and JavaScript), data formats (such as?HTML,?JSON,?XML, and?CSV) and other structured languages like SQL.

70+:?Detailed Prompts for?data science, and?software development?by?Mani.

4x:?Aleksander Lütken?on daily work automation

5x:?Tanya Tsui: Writing?Python code?for a geo-data project.

11x:?Detailed prompts for creating?boilerplate code, adding comments, generating?regular expressions, enhancing?readability?etc.

100x:?Short prompt examples by?Aruva

100+:?Short prompts for Writing Code, Conducting?Code Reviews,?Debugging, Predicting Errors, CSS Development, and?Software Architecture.

5x:?Coding questions &?data science?(mainly?Python?by PyCoach)

6x:?Automation tasks in the SW/DS engineering by?Ahmed Besbes

10x:?Machine learning?code prompts from explaining to creating?regex, documentation and?refactoring?by?Lars Nielsen

100x: Development Tools, Extensions


The official API to?ChatGPT?from?OpenAI.

A?function call?is similar, but not the same as?GPT-3. Your?OpenAI?access keys still work.

10+:?The official?ChatGPT?plugin store with plugins for Wolfram,?Instacart,?Klarna, etc.

30x:?Tools, APIs, extensions, access from other platforms.

50x:?Tools, libraries, integrations, etc. by?Aymen EL Amri

30x: Autonomous AI Agents built on top of?ChatGPT, GPT-4, etc.

Autonomous agents?represent the next level of foundation-based AI: These guys cannot only complete a single granular task. They can break down a large task like “Create a?52-card deck” into multiple substeps, which can be solved using a variety of models (language models, AI Art models, etc.). By creating a roadmap for the solution, they define single tasks, store knowledge and orchestrate foundation models and their in- and outputs: GPT-4, please come up with a motif … oh fine! … now,?Bloom, write a prompt for an AI Art model … perfect! … now you,?Midjourney, please create an image based on the prompt!

15+:?Intro and resources, tools and examples of Agent AIs: Auto-GPT, Baby-AGI,?Microsoft Jarvis,?AgentGPT, Circuits, gptrpg.

20+:?Awesome?AGI?models, framework, papers, online demos

10+:?BabyAGI-inspired projects and platforms

1000+: Funny, Amazing, Interesting

Many examples have no direct benefit, but are often incredibly fun and show the potential of?ChatGPT.

You always think that models have no feelings. But as the next example shows, they can be as roguish, sadistic and cynical as the best of our leaders.

20+:?A prompt marketplace, with prompts for?ChatGPT, as well as?Midjourney,?Stable Diffusion, etc.

40x:?Quite a few?nice?prompts and answers

1000+:?Funny amazing, mind-blowing prompts and use cases?on?Reddit.

1x:?A?nice?prompt forcing the AI to interrupt itself while explaining?AI alignment.

50+:?Detailed prompts on playing civ, TLDR of an article or how to cook rice

50x:?ChatGPT?is a fail

On the one hand,?ChatGPT?makes extremely stupid mistakes, on the other hand, it is so powerful that follow-on systems could be really dangerous.

1x:?Great, aggressive story by?Cory Doctorow, the SF author, stating in the core that?ChatGPT?is a better?autocomplete?function. With a lot of?nice?examples and links to other blogs

1x:?Pause the development of big AI models … they are dangerous for the?human species?… signed by?Elon Musk,?Steve Wozniak,?Yuval Noah Harari?and ten thousand more.

1x:?Pausing is not enough, the AIs will kill us all by?Eliezer Yudkowski

Now, let’s get back to earth:?ChatGPT?often can’t work with numbers, even if the task is super simple. It hallucinates, it lacks a practical understanding of the world knowledge it has learned and it is too stupid to answer truly?tautological?questions such as “What gender will the first female?president of the US?be?”

40+:?Interesting fails of?ChatGPT?in the fields of?arithmetics,?logical reasoning, analysing?tautologies, world knowledge or being consistent in one conversation — by?Giuseppe Venuto

20+: Passing exams and other achievements

ChatGPT?has passed several university or professional admission tests (this can also tell you something about the tests).

The system can typically answer questions that require reasoning and knowledge of the world, even at depth — it cannot manipulate physical entities, interpret images or solve maths problems beyond simple?arithmetics. Again, what is exciting for me is the incredible bandwidth of the system. There are probably only a few?human beings?who can directly pass medical, legal and business exams at this level.

At the moment, however,?ChatGPT?mostly just passed, the grades weren’t insanely great.


1x:?US?Law School

1x:?Medical Licensing

1x:?AP Computer Science?A free response section

15x:?ChatGPT?Achievements?List?… writing bills, judge’s verdicts or passing?SW-engineers?interview tests.


Jailbreaking, aka prompt injection, is a method of getting?ChatGPT?to write something that violates?OpenAI’s policies, such as insulting minorities, posting instructions for a?Molotov cocktail, or making a plan for world domination.

OpenAI?tries to make it's model better, more abuse-proof, and more?politically correct?(maybe even worker) practically every day. Typically, many?jailbreaks?do not work for very long.

But with the help of a?jailbreaking?prompt, we can force?ChatGPT?to say nasty things.

20+:?Nice?jailbreaking?examples by Zvi.

20+:?Davis Blalock’s examples of getting around the safeguards.

10+:?Jailbreaking?and exploits on?Reddit

If you know a list of?ChatGPT?prompts or resources please drop me a note (respond to this article, send me the link and what it is about).



Axel Schubert

Senior Partner bei BIG PICTURE GmbH

9 个月


