ChatGPT & Knowledge Types
The two types of knowledge and the areas they house Image: Rocket Source

ChatGPT & Knowledge Types

As we learn how to live and work with new artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, it will become increasingly important to understand the different knowledge types and how they will be impacted. There are many types of knowledge, but they can broadly be grouped into the following two categories: explicit and tacit.

Explicit knowledge, is information that can be articulated and accessed easily. It is straightforward and clearly documented. Examples include: manuals, encyclopedias, and how-to videos. ChatGPT is really good at generating explicit knowledge.

Then there is tacit knowledge. This type of insight is gained through life experience. Tacit mental models are acquired through practice, observation, and collaboration. Think of it as wisdom! Tacit knowledge is deeply ingrained and difficult to articulate or transfer to others.

For example, there is no course or training that can guarantee that someone will become a great leader. These types of complex skills need to be learned and practiced over time. ChatGPT has not been able to replace tacit knowledge, making this type all the more valuable.

So how can we nurture our tacit knowledge and expertise within our industries? Here are some suggestions:

  1. Learn your learning style: In order to save time and energy, it will be strategic to know how you learn best. Not sure where to start? Take this short quiz to identify what type of learner you are.?
  2. Pair up and collaborate: Whether virtual or in-person, teaming up with others opens yourself up to different perspectives and helps expose your blindspots. Group work is the exact framework needed to raise your tacit knowledge because it gives you the opportunity to observe others, group problem solve, and nurture ideas.
  3. Become a knowledge detective: Get curious about your field and seek out new information that is relevant to your work. Build up your knowledge base by attending conferences, making time for professional reading, or taking a course.
  4. Learn the art of articulation: Being familiar with a subject does not mean that you fully understand it. To deepen your knowledge, challenge yourself by explaining a recently learned concept to a friend. Writing about complex ideas in a simple way, is also a great way to put your understanding to the test.

AI is here to stay. I suggest we grow in parallel by focusing on our natural and unique strengths. Let’s learn to hand off tedious tasks and, in turn, create more room for deep thinking, creativity, and collaboration.

Patricia Avila

UX Design Leader

1 年

Great perspective, Maren Rey! I especially love points 3 and 4. You are an excellent example of a knowledge detective :)


