ChatGPT hype: Will AI replace human writers?
Picture collected from Quanta Magazine!

ChatGPT hype: Will AI replace human writers?

My fellow writers, before jumping into the latest buzz in this world, let’s start with a basic question. Do you use AI software to help you write?

If yes, how often do you use AI software to tune your words or to tweak the sentences here and there?

If not, why? Do you hate using AI software without even trying it out?

As a writer myself, the write-ups of mine that you read somewhat had the touch of AI software. When it comes to script-writing, it’s?Wordtune?that helps me re-write sentences in a manner I like. When it’s an AD copy or email subject line,?Copy AI?is the one to give me inspiration.

My personal experience?

2 out of 10 copy that AI creates are ACTUALLY GOOD. 1 out of 8 suggestions Wordtune gives out, is actually what I am looking for. Even though most people don’t use them, is there any harm in embracing AI to make our life easier?

Then comes the hype of ChatGPT.

An AI-powered language model that has been trained on a massive dataset of text from the INTERNET. It writes and does stuff it learned from the pre-set data it studied from the INTERNET, not real life.

Now for coding, it’s a great asset. But for writing? What good is your writing if it lacks the independent thinking or original value and content in it?

Let’s talk about the CEOs of our industry, who are ready to replace their copywriters for ChatGPT, thinking they are already getting what they need, raising the fear of “Will AI replace human writers?” in the newbie writers.

Here comes the point of perspective.

If people are ready to be happy with already existing rephrased and reorganized content that ChatGPT gives out to fit the given prompt, it’s completely fine. Rather ChatGPT is amazing for such people because clearly, they are not seeking original content anyway.

But experienced writers, who have the creativity and passion for writing, will observe things from real life, will hear the audience and watch their behavioral patterns to connect to an emotional level that an AI can never do.

Be it ChatGPT or any other AI models, what they write may be well-written or grammatically and semantically right, but originality? Creativity? The personal voice that drives the actual value through content? That is a long way to go for AI. They can only be an inspiration for you during your "Writer's Block' days.

In conclusion, I believe that as long as we embrace ChatGPT and other AI models as tools, they can be valuable assets in our writing journey. Let’s not be afraid of this technology, but instead, let’s use it to take our writing to the next level!

P.S.: I even commanded ChatGPT to write this content first, but I preferred giving some original values and thoughts out to you all so yeah, had to backspace a lot of words.


