ChatGPT for the development of a new browser plugin!
By mikemacmarketing -, CC BY 2.0,

ChatGPT for the development of a new browser plugin!

Recently I came across a use case that required the development of a browser plug-in. The development of a browser plug-in is not that complex (which I got to know later), but initially, I was a bit cautious as I never developed a browser plug-in.

Usually, if some new tech/tool comes across for development then I would follow the below path?

  1. Read through the documentation
  2. Create a POC project
  3. Do the troubleshooting (if any) with online references
  4. Refine my POC to achieve the final end result sufficing the requirement

I might have ended up spending a day or two following the above steps to develop the browser plug-in.

However, this time I decided to use ChatGPT!

With ChatGPT I was able to develop a production ready browser plug-in matter of minutes! It took a couple of iterations to refine the ChatGPT assisted code to get the final version of the browser plug-in. I felt a flavor of pair programming in the process.?

The main difference was that instead of reading through a lot of documentation and then filtering it out for the intended purpose, I could extract exact information and boilerplate code from ChatGPT by asking the right questions.

I am made up my mind not just to limit myself to ChatGPT but to explore many more AI tools available to get assistance with problem solving.

Do not get intimated by the exponentially increasing capabilities of AI, rather embrace it with an open mind and enhance your capabilities to tackle technical challenges and problems.

I feel with AI it will be very easy to grow your skills horizontally across various technologies and programming languages.

To keep up with AI one need to improve on techno-analytical & creative skills instead of just sticking to technical knowledge.

“Learning never exhausts the mind.” -- Leonardo da Vinci

So are you ready for a new journey with AI?

#development #tech #chatgpt #ai #artificialintelligence #browser #plugin #future #pairprogramming?#productivity #motivation #getitdone #problemsolving #criticalthinking #creativityandinnovation


