ChatGPT:  The creativity mass extinction event.

ChatGPT: The creativity mass extinction event.

The above images document my last spring's project : my new bed. It wasn't planned to be that way, or event to build it. But I didn't found a floating bed in the market. So I went for it. There were no plans, no previews design or experience. So I build it moving along with the flow, materials available and craft work capabilities. It was even design and built in place at the same time of the room walls and floor. The end result, looks good and serves de purpose... yeah... it really floats :-)

So how this related with ChatGPT(*) and creativity destruction ? Well everything. (*) for easy understanding I'm using ChatGPT as a placeholder for all generative AI tools

Everywhere we look, we see references to AI ..and AI tools... AI everywhere.

AI in toothbrushes, AI in HR, AI in Marketing, AI in customer self-service, AI in vacuum cleaners, AI .. AI, AI.

Are these tools, areas or services really using AI ? Are they using any algorithm with such capabilities ? Well you decide. But there's a big chance.. that's marketing at it's best.

So, the first consequence is that the "AI movement" is making people/companies to be compulsive liars . Not only the tools are generating erroneous conclusions, fake images, bias assumptions but are forcing companies to jeopardize their trusty brands by embarking on something that they don't understand, don't know and don't control.

One of the areas where AI capabilities is well praised is HR or HR recruiting. Good for them. Sooner the so called "hiring intelligence" will hire ..always the same profile, the same type of person, the same religion, the same color, the same same. Can you guess what will be the impact on companies , in creativity, in evolution ? Well maybe a sum of zero result.

AI tools are also excellent "assistants", content generators , image generators, graphics creators, marketing content generators... in summary , every piece of news and information we see, read and consume will be done by AI tools. Nice, at least it will be free from typos and spelling errors.

Did you got already the creativity mass extinction event ?

As of today, the AI algorithms are feed and trained from datasets of real documents, real images, real and valid conclusions, real and assertive comments.

As times goes by... and when we use AI tools, we are creating unreal, not natural, faked , untrustworthy pieces of contents, images, conclusions, biased views. Since all this feed again the algorithms, in a few years the information available in the datasets will be completely unreal and worst than that : untrustworthy.

Yes, the AI algorithm can be intelligent, can by human like, can sense, can tell a joke, lie and cry... but it will never know from where their memories came from.

Did you start notice a trend in images and graphics in the social media ? They use the same color , the same angle the same composition. Faces are similarly , always perfect, clean, same eyes, some hair. Yes.. we can be heroes. But should we look all alike ?

The usage of "innocent" AI generate images/graphics to illustrated simple and common events : A public event, a festival , an accident, a national holiday ( 25Abril, 4th July) .. is starting to erase the memory of the real things.. everything will be faked, biased.

As an exercise to the reader, please go and search for images generate by AI in the previous 25 de Abril celebration. Can you recognize it ? the colors ? the people ? the streets ?

Creativity, comes from diversity, we have already come to the conclusion that to preserve earth and life on earth we need to save biodiversity of species. Guess what ,in order to preserve creativity we need to save the info-diversity. AI generative tools are in the way to mass kill it.

So, what can we do about it ?

Well, not much: "Smile & wave " and maybe build our own bed, with our brain, skill and tools, no previous design or assumptions.

Feel it ! Make it!

"As you make your bed so you must lie on it" [Na cama que farás, nela te deitarás]


