ChatGPT In Construction: Opening Up New Possibilities with Generative AI & Video Analytics
ChatGPT is making a big splash in the current times. OpenAI – the creator of this natural language processing (NLP) tool driven by Artificial Intelligence (AI) is by and again making up to the headlines and very recently, it has again made up to the news that it is updating its fervid ChatGPT with its latest version called GPT-4.
Ever since ChatGPT has been able to draw the attention of all in the market, the very concept of Generative AI has also gained widespread popularity. Generative AI – an advancement in the field of AI – enables machines to create new and original content that was earlier only possible for human brains to do.
Further, this advanced AI technology is capable of generating random texts, music, images and videos that impersonates the creativity of human beings. ?Thus, this advanced AI technology using Machine Learning (ML) algorithms to create new content, is emerging with great potentialities to revolutionize various industries, the construction industry without being an exception.
Generative AI & Video Analytics: Revolutionizing the Construction Industry
Generative AI with its ability to create new content using the existing ones of similar style/ format, can play a crucial role in helping develop more innovative and efficient designs, augmenting safety and productivity and improving project planning and scheduling in construction.
Apart from these, Generative AI with its integration with video analytics can also facilitate quality control, environmental monitoring, equipment monitoring, project management, and the like. Thus, in a nutshell, Generative AI has the potential to enhance safety, productivity and innovation in the construction industry, that can in turn lead to better-performing buildings and more cost-effective construction projects.
ChatGPT-4: Shaping the Future of the Construction Industry
As an AI language model, ChatGPT can play a significant role in the construction industry by providing various insights through data analysis and knowledge?sharing. One of the greatest challenges faced by the construction stakeholders – on-site & remote collaboration & communication for information – can be easily solved by ChatGPT-3.
ChatGPT-3 can potentially minimize the waiting time for project stakeholders by providing answers to their various questions as well as streamlining communication among different levels of the workflow. This can enhance collaboration in the construction industry. Further, ChatGPT-3 can also perform the task of a virtual assistant for project management, provide customer service & support to construction clients, and be used for training and education purposes – all paving the way towards a transparent and well-connected construction ecosystem.
The latest version of ChatGPT, namely ChatGPT-4 can further improve the safety and productivity in construction. The recent whitepaper by viAct, entitled “Generative AI: Propelling ConTech Ecosystem with Video Analytics” held that “ChatGPT-4’s visual prompts can augment traditional safety and productivity of the construction jobsites through integration with AI Video Analytics”. This “multi-modal” version with its ability to process images to provide relevant information can further add a dimension to construction jobsites monitoring by boosting the use of conventional AI in construction.
Thus, in a nutshell, the emergence of Generative AI, in the form of application like ChatGPT can open up many new doors of possibilities for the construction industry by acting as an add-on to the existing use of AI in construction.?