Chatgpt |Code Faster, Work Smarter: Time-Saving Strategies for Software Engineers

Chatgpt |Code Faster, Work Smarter: Time-Saving Strategies for Software Engineers

#chatgpt can help in various scenarios, this blog is more focused on how a #softwareengineer can utilize it in the daily #programmingworld ??.

The following are a few best uses of #chatgpt -?

  1. Transform raw data into a Model with ease using #ChatGPT: We frequently use to work with APIs where we get some raw data and further we have to prepare a specific model for type safety and other reasons, this could be easily done in seconds using #chatgpt
  2. Add basic validations to a Model effortlessly: If you are working with any new Model, you can utilize #chatgpt to write some basic validation functions.
  3. Get expert assistance anytime: Facing any technical doubts, or needing a step-by-step explanation of any given command or code?
  4. Ask for an optimized solution to a problem with given conditions.
  5. Code running into any error(except logical error)??: Paste the error and get a few solutions to the problem, similar to stack overflow but more accurate??.
  6. Get Open Data in seconds in a specific format with #ChatGPT: Get a JSON list of countries and states.
  7. Effortlessly create a basic API structure/function: Example: Create four separate functions with basic validations to perform CRUD operation on the Employee table in C# using Entity Framework.

Developers can integrate #chatgpt in code through exposed APIs and packages provided by the official platform API Reference Doc.

Other than above, Here are a few more interesting uses of #chatgpt If you are preparing for an interview/learning, You can ask random questions to get complete information with an explanation:-

  1. Write an optimized SQL query for a given problem. Ex: Get the second highest salary from the Employee table without using the Max function.
  2. Can u give an example of Left join using an entity framework?
  3. Write a shell script to fetch all files from a folder with the given conditions.
  4. Write an optimized program with given conditions. Ex: Program to find if a given number is prime.

Please refer to the following youtube video for more info:-

#chatgpt #chatgpthack #programmingworld #softwareengineer #engineering #engineer #softwareengineering #softwaredevelopment?#vermajai1995 #jaipatel #9minsblog


