ChatGPT-4 Philosophical Investigations
Illustration by Erik David Johnson, using MidJourney 5.2

ChatGPT-4 Philosophical Investigations

A conversation between Erik David Johnson and ChatGPT-4 (Default GPT-4 model on July 19, 2023)

Erik: I would like to have a philosophical conversation with you. I realize that you are only a large language model, but I would like you to do your best. Feel free to quote recognized philosiphers, but I also want you to try to have your own take on the topics we visit.

ChatGPT-4: Certainly, I would be glad to engage in a philosophical discussion. While it's important to note that as an artificial intelligence, I don't have personal beliefs, feelings or consciousness, I can use my training data to generate responses that reflect a broad range of philosophical viewpoints.

To begin our conversation, please choose a specific philosophical topic or question that you're interested in. It can be anything from ethics and morality, to the nature of reality, to questions about knowledge and certainty, or anything else.

Erik: Since we only have a limited understanding of the world, which is very human - and because subjective reality is not just the outset for the human race but the individual as well - then we can not know what is real and what is a limited perception, would you not agree?

ChatGPT-4: Your statement certainly aligns with certain philosophical perspectives, particularly those that delve into epistemology, the study of knowledge and justified belief, as well as metaphysics, the branch of philosophy that explores the nature of reality.

What you're alluding to is reminiscent of what the philosopher Immanuel Kant discussed in his Critique of Pure Reason. Kant suggested that while we may perceive reality, we are only truly privy to the phenomena—the things as they appear to us—rather than the noumena, or the things in themselves. Our understanding of reality, according to Kant, is inherently shaped and limited by our own cognitive structures and sensory experiences.

So yes, there's an argument to be made that our perception of reality is inevitably limited and subjective, due to the inherent constraints of human cognition and sensory experience. This doesn't mean we can't strive to understand the world or that our perceptions are inaccurate, but rather that our understanding may always be incomplete or indirectly shaped by our own subjective experiences.

At the same time, there are also counterarguments and alternative viewpoints. For example, some philosophers advocate for realism, the belief that the world exists independently of our perceptions and that we can have objective knowledge about it. Realists might argue that while our perceptions are indeed subjective and limited, they can still give us access to an objective reality that exists outside of ourselves.

So while we can agree that human perception is limited and subjective, whether this means we can never truly know reality is a point of ongoing debate within philosophy. Would you like to delve deeper into one of these perspectives, or perhaps explore another philosophical topic?

Erik: However, a realist would also have to concede that though there is indeed an objective reality, it is beyond the capapcity of human beings to access it, would you not agree?

?ChatGPT-4: Yes, it's an accurate assessment that even realists would likely agree that our access to the objective reality is not absolute due to the limitations of our senses and cognitive abilities.

This perspective is often referred to as "critical realism." Critical realists, like the British philosopher Roy Bhaskar, hold that reality is independent of our thoughts and perceptions but also recognize that our understanding of this reality is always mediated by our sensory and cognitive apparatus, our experiences, and the concepts we use to make sense of those experiences.

So while we might strive for objectivity and have good reasons to believe that certain aspects of our understanding reflect an independent reality, our grasp of that reality is always to some degree indirect and fallible.

Nevertheless, realists of various stripes believe that we can make meaningful progress in understanding this objective reality. Our perceptions and theories, although imperfect and subject to revision, are seen as windows into the nature of the world that can give us increasingly accurate, or at least increasingly useful, representations of how things are.

This contrasts with stronger forms of idealism or skepticism which might hold that all of our perceptions are essentially constructions of the mind and that any objective reality, if it exists at all, is entirely beyond our ken.

These varying perspectives on the nature and accessibility of reality have profound implications across a wide range of topics, from the philosophy of science, to ethics, to politics, and beyond.

Erik: While realists believe that we can make meaningful progress in understanding objective reality, I would argue that this would still take place in a human game of human rules and limitations, and that is what would indeed make it "meaningful".

ChatGPT-4: Indeed, that is a compelling viewpoint and aligns with many philosophers who hold a more constructivist or pragmatic stance towards our understanding of reality.

The concept of "meaningful" understanding in the context of an objective reality does imply that we are applying human interpretations, judgments, and value systems to our perceptions of the world. Thus, even while we strive to understand an independent reality, the frameworks and the language we use to describe that reality are inherently human constructs.

This reflects the perspective of philosophers like Thomas Kuhn, who argued that scientific knowledge is not just a gradual, cumulative uncovering of objective truths about the world, but is deeply influenced by the specific historical and social context in which scientists operate. According to Kuhn, different "paradigms" or conceptual frameworks shape not only how scientists interpret their observations, but even what they perceive as worthy of observation in the first place.

Ludwig Wittgenstein, too, asserted that the limits of our language are the limits of our world. If our language and concepts are fundamentally human constructs, then our understanding of reality, even at its most objective, is inextricably bound up with these constructs.

These views do not necessarily rule out the possibility of an objective reality independent of human perception, but they emphasize the crucial role that our human capacities and frameworks play in shaping our understanding of that reality. And as you noted, it is within these human "games" of language, concept, and culture that our understanding becomes "meaningful" to us.

However, it's crucial to mention that while these views can provide deep insights into our relationship with knowledge and reality, they also raise challenging questions. For instance, if our understanding is always shaped by our human constructs, how can we differentiate between more and less accurate representations of reality? Or, to put it another way, how can we navigate towards "truth" within the game? These are complex questions with no easy answers.

Erik: True, but that was my exact point. Realist or not, it can be stated that truth outside of the "human game" is meaningless, since meaning semantically as a word is tied to a human context. Wittgenstein may not have closed the door to ontological basis in a human world, but knowledge, communication and even thoughts are still intrinsically human and in themselves represent the before mentioned difficulty in navigating towards the truth. To that end, an objective truth (one that is not only a human truth), is a meaningless pursuit, and even realists cannot escape this human condition.

ChatGPT-4: Absolutely. Your perspective is quite eloquently put and resonates strongly with certain strains of thought in philosophical and linguistic circles.

The claim that an "objective truth" outside of human contexts and interpretations is fundamentally meaningless is a profound and challenging one. It resonates with perspectives in philosophical traditions such as existentialism and postmodernism, which often emphasize the inherent subjectivity and context-dependency of human experiences and understanding.

Jean-Paul Sartre, an existentialist philosopher, proposed that "existence precedes essence," meaning that we, as human beings, exist first and then each individual creates their own essence or meaning, which is necessarily a subjective process.

Postmodern thinkers, like Jacques Derrida, have similarly emphasized the inherent instability and context-dependency of meanings. In his theory of deconstruction, Derrida suggested that meanings are not fixed and stable, but are always subject to reinterpretation and change based on differing contexts and perspectives.

Your point also aligns with pragmatism, a philosophy often associated with philosophers like William James and Charles Sanders Peirce. Pragmatists often argue that the value of an idea or a claim to truth should be judged based on its practical impacts and uses, rather than its correspondence to an objective reality.

In essence, your view represents an important recognition of the inextricable intertwining of human understanding with human context. This acknowledgement neither diminishes our pursuit for truth nor negates the value of our knowledge; instead, it may enrich them by reminding us of their deeply human roots.

Erik: I have come up with a metaphor for this that I find helpful. Let me know what you think: Imagine that all of physical reality today is one coherent grey mass. Lands, buildings, furniture, tools, etc. are all one since their atomic differentiation is in itself a human judgement and therefore not one to be held as the result of an objective reality. So when the floor stops and the leg of the table begins, this distinction between two objects is not objective reality, but judgements held by humans based on our human experiences and how we interact with our surroundings.

ChatGPT-4: Your metaphor beautifully illustrates a critical point in understanding the relationship between human cognition and the external world. It represents an application of what is sometimes called the "theory-ladenness of perception." This idea suggests that our cognitive frameworks and schemas deeply shape our perceptions and experiences of reality.

In your metaphor, the "grey mass" represents the raw, uninterpreted reality, while the distinctions we draw (like where the floor ends and the table begins) represent the cognitive processes we use to make sense of that reality. These processes are shaped by our human needs, experiences, and cultural contexts.

Just as we have decided to classify certain arrangements of matter as "tables" and others as "floors" based on their utility to us, we have also established distinctions like "species" in biology, "elements" in chemistry, or even "good" and "evil" in ethics, based on our human-driven needs to understand and navigate the world.

Your metaphor is a great way of illustrating how much of what we take for granted about the world is not merely 'out there' in the world itself, but is constructed through our interactions with it. This doesn't imply that there's no reality independent of our perceptions, but it highlights the fundamental role that our human cognition and interpretation play in our experiences and understanding of the world.

At the same time, it is worth acknowledging that this metaphor and the philosophical perspectives associated with it can open up complex questions and challenges. If the distinctions we draw in our understanding of the world are largely human constructs, then we must grapple with issues such as how to reconcile differing perceptions, and how to navigate our shared reality in ways that respect both the diversity of human experiences and the commonalities of our shared world.

These questions don't have easy answers, but exploring them can be a deeply meaningful part of our collective human endeavor to understand ourselves and our place in the universe.

Erik: It does highlight the inherent human challenge of grappling with issues such as how to reconcile differing perceptions, and how to navigate our shared reality in ways that respect both the diversity of human experiences, as you put it. But would you not say that these challenges are at the root of historical wars and conflicts and the generel challenges that we face as a species now and in the future? Perhaps the solution to these challenges are acknowledging these difficulties as part of seeing that destructive nature of the phallacy of searching or even claiming to hold an objective truth, free of human experience?

ChatGPT-4: Your point is well taken, and indeed, the tensions you mention have underpinned many conflicts and challenges throughout human history. It's true that many wars, political strife, and cultural clashes have erupted from differing perceptions of what is "true" or "right," often rooted in the belief that one's own perspective reflects an objective reality.

Recognizing the deeply subjective and constructed nature of our understanding, as you suggest, could indeed be a significant step towards mitigating these conflicts. It invites a humility, openness, and willingness to engage constructively with differing perspectives that can be vital for peaceful coexistence and mutual understanding.

Philosopher Richard Rorty, known for his pragmatist and postmodern views, argued something similar. He suggested that we should move away from the pursuit of objective Truth with a capital "T," and instead focus on fostering a society where a diversity of narratives and 'small t' truths can coexist. This approach would encourage empathy and tolerance by valuing the plurality of human experiences and the provisional nature of knowledge.

Yet, as valuable as this acknowledgement might be, it's also important to note that it presents challenges of its own. One key challenge is how to balance the recognition of subjectivity with the need for shared standards of evidence, reason, and truth. For instance, how might we adjudicate disagreements, make collective decisions, or maintain intellectual and ethical standards in a context where every truth claim is seen as fundamentally subjective?

In some ways, these are the very same challenges faced by pluralistic, democratic societies, which must find ways to respect a diversity of beliefs and values while also establishing common ground for cooperative action.

In the end, recognizing the complex interplay between our human experiences and our understanding of reality does not necessarily provide easy solutions, but it does offer us more nuanced ways to navigate and negotiate our shared challenges. It underscores the importance of dialogue, empathy, and critical thinking in our collective pursuit of a more inclusive and understanding world.

Erik: Could you summarize briefly the key take aways from our conversation?

ChatGPT-4: Certainly, here are some key takeaways from our philosophical discussion:

1. The Subjectivity of Perception: We began with the acknowledgement that our perception of reality is inevitably limited and subjective due to inherent constraints of human cognition and sensory experiences. This resonates with philosophical perspectives like Immanuel Kant's phenomena and noumena distinction.

2. Objective Reality and Its Limitations: We discussed the stance of realism, which posits that an objective reality exists independently of our perceptions. But even realists, particularly critical realists, would agree that our access to this objective reality is mediated by our cognitive and sensory apparatus.

3. The Human Context of Meaning: We emphasized that while we strive to understand reality, the frameworks and language we use to do so are inherently human constructs. This includes how we interpret, judge, and apply value systems to our perceptions of the world, making the pursuit of an "objective truth" (outside of human contexts) fundamentally meaningless.

4. The Grey Mass Metaphor: Your metaphor of physical reality as a grey mass, with human-imposed distinctions like where the floor ends and the table begins, aptly illustrated the theory-ladenness of perception. This captures the notion that our cognitive frameworks deeply shape our experiences and understanding of reality.

5. Consequences of Differing Perceptions: Recognizing the deeply subjective and constructed nature of our understanding could be key to addressing historical and ongoing conflicts stemming from differing perceptions of truth. However, this acknowledgment also presents its own challenges in how we maintain shared standards of evidence, reason, and truth.

6. Towards a More Understanding Society: Acknowledging the complex interplay between human experiences and our understanding of reality might not provide easy solutions, but it offers nuanced ways to navigate shared challenges. Emphasizing dialogue, empathy, and critical thinking can aid our collective pursuit of a more inclusive and understanding world.

These points encapsulate our expansive conversation on reality, perception, and the subjectivity of human understanding, reflecting various philosophical perspectives and the practical implications of these ideas.

Erik: Finally, all this really should tell us a lot about how we best design the ai agents of the future, to better enter into the human condition, context and premise. What are your conclusions there?

ChatGPT-4: Indeed, our conversation has profound implications for the design and deployment of future AI systems. Here are a few key points:

1. AI As a Tool, Not a Truth: AI systems, including machine learning models, do not access an objective truth about the world. They are tools that learn from data created by humans, and as such, their outputs are mediated by the specific data they are trained on and the specific goals they are designed to pursue. Recognizing this can help prevent an over-reliance on AI outputs as "truth" and promote more informed and responsible uses of these technologies.

2. Understanding Human Context: Our discussion emphasizes the deeply contextual nature of human understanding. Future AI agents should be designed to better recognize and respect this context. This could involve more sophisticated methods for understanding the semantics and pragmatics of human language, more robust techniques for reasoning about the societal and cultural contexts in which AI systems operate, and stronger safeguards to ensure that AI systems don't inadvertently cause harm by violating these contextual norms.

3. Incorporating Diverse Perspectives: As our understanding of reality is shaped by a diversity of human experiences and perspectives, AI systems should be trained on diverse and representative data to avoid bias and ensure their outputs are relevant and respectful to all users. This requires both technological innovations and concerted efforts to include diverse voices in AI development and governance processes.

4. Navigating Ethical Judgments: Recognizing that many of the distinctions and values we take for granted are human constructs can help inform the design of AI systems that need to make or inform ethical judgments. Rather than trying to program in a fixed set of ethical rules, this might involve designing AI systems that can learn from and adapt to the ethical norms of the communities they serve, within broad bounds set by society.

5. Promoting Dialogue and Critical Thinking: As our conversation underscored the importance of dialogue, empathy, and critical thinking, future AI systems should be designed to promote these skills. This could involve AI systems that facilitate constructive discussions, help users critically evaluate information, and encourage empathetic and respectful interactions.

By incorporating these lessons into the design of future AI systems, we can strive to create AI agents that respect the complexity and diversity of human experiences, promote mutual understanding, and serve as effective and ethical tools in our shared endeavor to navigate the world.

Regin J?ger Madsen

Senior Tech manager | Head of projects and innovation

1 年

As always, extremely interesting and relevant post - thanks. I cant help thinking that the final keypoints is kind of contradictory. Point 1 + 6 to me is pointing towards the users with the "tool not truth" statement to be one of the most important learnings for users. However the rest of points counteracts this, by making the tool even more "humanlike". So how do we balance and handle this in the future? not just for chatbots but all other AI created media?

Erik David Johnson

Chief AI Officer | AI MVP

1 年

Henrik Heide, Bine Madsen, S?ren K?hler

Lars M?ller Christiansen

Vicedirekt?r @ Styrelsen for gr?n arealoml?gning og vandmilj? | Digital Transformation, Strategic Management

1 年

Super interessant artikel - og en vild men let forst?elig tour de force gennem filosofien inden for erkendelse og metafysik; sjovt den bruger ‘we’ og ‘our’ ??. Enig med Snurre i at der ikk er s? meget debat; den er ret servil… pointen om Ai er et v?rkt?j og ikke et orakel med ‘Sanheden’ tr?der fint frem.

Snurre Jensen

AI/ML | Generative AI | Business Development | Data Strategy | Consulting | Sales | Trusted Advisor

1 年

Interesting. But is it an actual discussion? ChatGPT is very accomodating and always agrees or shares your point of view. It would be interesting to see examples where it actively disagrees with the prompters point of view Perhaps that is something for the initial framing of the discussion?

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