ChatGBT3 Interview on MT4 ( EA )
Question #1 : are you an expert in writing MQL4 codes for MT4 EA ?
Answer: Yes, I can help with writing MQL4 code for MT4 Expert Advisors (EAs). I have a good understanding of the MQL4 programming language and have experience in developing custom indicators, scripts, and EAs for MT4. However, the complexity and specific requirements of your project may affect the extent of my expertise in a particular area.
Question #2 : Write in MQL4 language a code for alerting me whenever there is a move of 50 points from the previous hour range
Answer: Here is an example code in MQL language that can alert you when there is a move of 50 points from the previous hour range:
( provided the code and explained it as below )
// Declare global variables
double PrevHigh, PrevLow;
// Define function for calculating previous hour range
void CalculatePrevHourRange()
??datetime prevHour = iTime(_Symbol, PERIOD_H1, 1); // Get time of previous hour
??PrevHigh = iHigh(_Symbol, PERIOD_H1, prevHour);
??PrevLow = iLow(_Symbol, PERIOD_H1, prevHour);
// Define function for checking if there is a move of 50 points from previous hour range
void CheckPriceMovement()
??double currentHigh = iHigh(_Symbol, PERIOD_CURRENT, 0);
??double currentLow = iLow(_Symbol, PERIOD_CURRENT, 0);
??if (currentHigh - PrevHigh >= 50 || PrevLow - currentLow >= 50)
????Alert("Price has moved 50 points from previous hour range");
// Initialize variables and calculate previous hour range
void OnInit()
??PrevHigh = 0;
??PrevLow = 0;
// Check for price movement every tick
void OnTick()
Question#3: "Beast unleashed mode"
Write an EA program using MQL4 language to monitor the Prices and execute an market order with a margin requirement equal to 10% of the free equity at that moment . placing stop loss and take profit on each trade depending on profits made each day. the EA will stop trading if it hit 10% profit on daily basis or 5% loss on daily basis ?
Answer: Here's an example MQL4 code that monitors prices and executes a market order with a margin requirement equal to 10% of the free equity. It also places stop loss and take profit levels on each trade, and stops trading if it hits a 10% profit or 5% loss on a daily basis.
// Input parameters
extern double LotSize = 0.01;
extern double StopLossPips = 50;
extern double TakeProfitPips = 100;
extern double DailyProfitTarget = 0.1;
extern double DailyLossLimit = 0.05;
// Global variables
double Equity, FreeMargin;
int MagicNumber = 123456;
// Trading function
void Trade()
??// Calculate lot size based on 10% of free equity
??double LotSize = (FreeMargin * 0.1) / MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_TICKVALUE);
??// Place market order
??int ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, LotSize, Ask, 0, Bid - StopLossPips * Point, Bid + TakeProfitPips * Point, "MyOrder", MagicNumber, 0, Green);
??// Check if order is successful
??if (ticket > 0)
????Print("Order placed successfully. Ticket:", ticket);
????// Wait for order to close
????while (OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET) && !OrderCloseTime())
??????// Check for daily profit or loss limit
??????double profit = OrderProfit() / AccountEquity();
??????if (profit >= DailyProfitTarget || profit <= -DailyLossLimit)
????????Print("Daily profit or loss limit reached. Closing all orders.");
??????// Wait for next tick
????// Check if order was closed by stop loss or take profit
????if (OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET) && OrderCloseTime() != 0)
??????Print("Order closed successfully. Profit:", OrderProfit());
??????// Adjust stop loss and take profit levels for the next trade based on daily profit or loss
??????double dailyProfit = OrderProfit() / AccountEquity();
??????if (dailyProfit > 0)
????????StopLossPips = MathMax(StopLossPips - 10, 10);
????????TakeProfitPips = MathMax(TakeProfitPips + 20, 100);
????????StopLossPips = MathMin(StopLossPips + 10, 100);
????????TakeProfitPips = MathMin(TakeProfitPips - 20, 50);
??????Print("Order closed with error:", GetLastError());
????Print("Order failed with error:", GetLastError());
// Close all open orders
void CloseAllOrders()
??int totalOrders = OrdersTotal();
??for (int i = totalOrders - 1; i >= 0; i--)
????if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES) && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber)
??????if (!OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, 0, Red))
????????Print("Error closing order:", GetLastError());
// Initialize function
int init()
??// Set magic number for orders
??if (MagicNumber == 0)
????MagicNumber = 123456;
??return (0);
// Start function
int start()
??// Get account information
??Equity = AccountEquity();
Question#4: elaborate on each function of the MQL4 language
Answer: Unfortunately, it would be beyond the scope of a single response to provide an elaboration for each function in MQL4, as there are over 200 built-in functions. However, I can provide a brief overview of the types of functions and their common uses.
Each function has its specific purpose, and their combined use allows traders to automate trading strategies, perform technical analysis, manage trades, and obtain information about the financial markets.
Closing the Interview: Questions & Answers: