Dan Traucki MWCC
WINE ASSIST P/L Freelance Wine Journalist. Also facilitating the export of Australian Wines to the world.
Koshu is a sensational Japanese indigenous white variety that produces lovely crisp almost citrus flavoured wine that is absolutely perfect with Sashimi and any other seafood dish.
My daughter kindly gave me this bottle on her return from her recent visit to Tokyo. It is a sensationally crisp refreshing citrusy flavoured wine that lingers for eons. BRILLIANT
It is awesomely coincidental that I visited the Mercian vineyard in the Yamanashi district back in June 2015 whilst these grapes were serenely growing there.
It brought back great memories of the wonderful day I had with the charming crew from Chateau Mercian. they are a class act!!
It truly was meant to be!!
if you get a chance, try a KOSHU wine it won't dissappoint you.
7 年Vikram " Kudi kudiyyai keduckckum" goes the saying in your beloved Mother's tongue. If you drink dont pen drive. if you don't then serf to safety. Better be Fast in your resolve. Enjoy Sunday sans botts but books.