The only scalable way businesses can communicate with their customers in a cost effective way is through chatbot. The alternative solution for businesses would be to set up something similar to a call centre where real people are chatting online all day long. This isn’t cost effective and 99% of businesses will never be able to do this.
If messaging apps become the #1 way people communicate, and every business needs a strategy to engage with people on messaging apps, and bots are the only scalable way to do this, then every business will eventually have a bot
Bots aren’t that smart yet, accept, and may be they won’t be able to understand everything you say they can’t effectively teach themselves, but we teaching they how to learn themselves
What is Chatbot?
?Before chatbot there were just bots: a piece of software that is designed to automate a specific task. A chatbot is built on the same premise; however it delivers this task around a single function, namely chat, or simulated conversation.
How it works?
A chatbot uses machine learning, a version of “Artificial intelligence” to pick up on conversational cadences, allowing it to effectively mimic human conversation and react to spoken or written prompts to deliver a service.
The chatbot is essentially a user interface which can be plugged into a number of data sources via APIs so it can deliver information or services on demand, related to anything
What they can do?
They can probably replace what a human can do, in future; chat bots are the next step in the evolution of the internet. It can be effective in many field including production, hospitality, retail, ecommerce and many more
What in future?
In the future, talking to a bot will be like talking to a real person who has instant access to entire databases of information and can process your thoughts and desires instantly.