Chat GPT Revises Old Resumes

Chat GPT Revises Old Resumes

Chat GPT is where students should go to help revise old resumes.

As a college student that is soon to graduate, revising an old resume can take time to appeal to recruiters. You have to read the keywords, highlight them, and reread them. Then you may be able to start revising your old resume.

However, what if I told you that Chat GPT can help you revise your old resume with just a simple click?

Remember, we can't go back in time. This is a gateway for students to use Chat GPT to our advantage. With the help of Chat GPT, the long hours of finding the right words to say are over.

Let me take you to Chat GPT and show you the steps to simplify life.


First, you will have to log in to Chat GPT.

Secondly, in order to revise your resume, you must plug it into Chat GPT. Then after plugging in your resume, type "revise my resume." Trust me it's mind-blowing. I will plug in my resume for an example.

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My resume is plugged into Chat GPT.

As Chat GPT starts to read your resume, you can now start to revise your resume. It is quite astonishing what new technology can do. This is the future. We can either incorporate it into our society or we can choose to not use it. However, if we decide not to use it to our advantage, could we possibly be replaced by something that we didn't want to use?

This is the way of the future and the future is not slowing down for anyone. As students, we should start thinking of using this tool to our advantage.

Another way students will be able to use this tool is to find keywords in a job/career posting. I used this tool looking into an internship in Saatchi and Saatchi in Los Angeles. This is very simple to use.

For this photo, I typed "What are the keywords"? and added the job description.

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Chat GPT finding keywords in the job posting.

After this, it should give you keywords that are in the job posting.

This is what it should look like after the AI has generated a response.

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Keywords that were found by Chat GPT.

Interestingly enough, you can use these keywords to find them in your resume as well.

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A revised version of my resume fitted to Saatchi and Saatchi's Internship posting.

Using Chat GPT for good is a lot more helpful than I thought it would be when it first came out. We shouldn't be against AI if it were to help us become more aware of what we put on paper before we turn in our resumes to recruiters. This is a nice and easy way to join the change and become something that is bigger than all of us.

As Saatchi and Saatchi say "We like doing the impossible things."

This may just count as something that was impossible a few years ago but is possible today.

Now, go fix your resume because opportunities await.

#opportunities #chatgpt #learning #possible

Dr. Michael Becker


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