Chat GPT: god (play) thinking, creative, emotive silicon life?

Chat GPT: god (play) thinking, creative, emotive silicon life?

Pause AI

You may have heard or seen the call by Elon Musk sponsored Future of Life Pausing AI request.?

I am a signatory to that open letter and you can see more thesis on why on my Medium blog section Slowing Chat GPT Ask Engines linked here


You may seen AI generated (art) from DALE-E and related programs and have seen or heard a lot about the current rage in AI Chat GPT. Microsoft has invested 10 billion USD additionally over its initial contribution in OpenAI and there is a call-to-arms within Google at a serious threat.?

In this post I cover the purported intelligence and other aspects of humans and if the recent surge of painting, chatting and dancing machines presage the AGI( Artificial General Intelligence) and we are witnessing the birth of?Silicon-life different from Carbon-life ( plants, animals and humans..) .

E O Wilson the foremost proponent of sociobiology (the study of the genetic basis of the social behaviour of all animals, including humans) coined a thesis of volitional selection which may best be provocatively phrased as “man assists and plays god…”.?

This essay builds on this thesis and has links to topics explaining the magic behind the programs like Chat GPT (termed large language models LLM) and the debates and?impact on fuzzy ill-defined notions of intelligence, creativity, feeling and humanness. We explore barbs delivered by ‘experts’ on the notion of machines having intelligence or being ‘human’.?A precedent is the debate between Organic and Inorganic chemistry which was won without needing that vital life force !!

I have working knowledge about AI/ML and have worked with some of the tools used within LLM and speak from a trenches to helicopter understanding. This is not a 30,000 feet McKinsey spotlight but a 10,000 feet helicopter flyover. It will take a 12-minute read and the medium blog may be easier to navigate

Table of Content

Chat GPT is the current thing.

Intelligence or Blender matching patterns

Linguistics: Reasoning by Machines?

Phase Change: The S curve of rapid progress after long winters

Feeling, Singing Dancing Machines

Sentient Silicon Life

Volitational Evolution

Chat GPT is the current thing.?

Do watch this YouTube in case u need a refresh

?Artificial Intelligence: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

?"Quick Thinks:" AI Has Entered The Chat – A "Conversation" with ChatGPT

-Stanford Graduate School of Business

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This post will cover more the aspect if AI is beginning?to think, feel and behave more like humans or its improbability. As a marker please revisit the great debate on the Vital Force theory that was supposed?to distinguish between?Organic and Inorganic chemistry.

We are at a similar phase where we have an embryonic?technology that is beginning?to pass many levels of skills assumed to be complex and assumed computers would not be able to do them.?Chat GPT may probably be assumed to have met and passed the famous Turing Test .?

Intelligence or Blender matching patterns

In a harsh opinion piece the famous linguist?Noam Chomsky pokes into the alleged intelligence of Chat GPT.

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rebuttal ‘authored’ by Chat GPT

In this opinion piece, Noam Chomsky, Ian Roberts, and Jeffrey Watumull argue that machine learning programs like OpenAI's ChatGPT are fundamentally flawed in their conception of language and knowledge, and therefore cannot achieve true artificial general intelligence. They explain that these programs lack the ability to create explanations, which is a critical capacity of any intelligence, and are incapable of distinguishing the possible from the impossible. Additionally, they argue that these programs are morally indifferent, and therefore cannot balance creativity with constraint. The authors conclude that the hype around machine learning programs like ChatGPT is unwarranted and that we should be concerned about their limitations and potential dangers.

-???????Chat GPT summary of Noam Chomsky NYT Article

There was a quick rebuttal ironically?‘authored’ by Chat GPT illustrated in sidebar extracted from this tweet .

There are substantial philosophical objections earlier before Chat GPT by Roger Penrose in The Emperor's New Mind: Concerning Computers, Minds, and the Laws of Physics and?Douglas?Hofstadter, the Pulitzer Prize–winning author of G?del, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid ( a book nicknamed GEB rated as marvellous exploration of symbol processing machines and intelligence and consciousness by?the writer of this post)?also thinks we should be mimicking our brain and how it thinks. Do see the Atlantic piece The Man Who Would Teach Machines to Think .

  “Meaning lies as much in the mind of the reader as in the Haiku.”
 ―?Douglas R. Hofstadter,?G?del, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid             

The riposte is that machines do not need to be clones of carbon lives (horses, birds or humans ) to provide utility. A robot hands or an airplanes wings are not a clone and may not do everything of the ‘original’ but may do enough or be far superior on some aspects.

?“The quest for ‘artificial flight’ succeeded when the Wright brothers and others stopped imitating birds and started … learning about aerodynamics……AI started working when it ditched humans as a model,?because?it ditched them. That’s the thrust of the analogy: Airplanes don’t flap their wings; why should computers think?
-Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig

You will find many examples of what is wrong ( early versions will improve and rarely do journalist praise any political leader, they need to find faults!!) and for

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creative ( what sticklers to factuality in search call hallucination?)?see March Andreesen (pun)?writing for NYT and the failed test set by Douglas Hofstader et al on "What is the world record for crossing the English Channel entirely on foot?" ?and the prose around the Fyre festival in the sidebar and for poetry see a Thomas Schelling poem : MarginalRevolution Tyler Cowan

A more balanced take below:

“What makes ChatGPT stand out from the pack is its gratifying ability to handle feedback about its answers, and revise them on the fly. It really is like a conversation with a robot. To see what I mean, watch how it deals reasonably well with a hostile response to some medical advice…”
????The ChatGPT chatbot from OpenAI is amazing, creative, and totally wrong ??Mike Pearl on?Mashable

Linguistics: Reasoning by Machines?

The Nativist perspective, as proposed by Noam Chomsky, claims that the ability to acquire and use language is innate to the human mind and that certain fundamental principles of language, such as syntax, are hardwired into the brain. On the other hand,?the empiricist perspective, as proposed by philosophers such as John Locke, claims that language is learned through experience and that there is no innate knowledge of language.

-ChatGPT’s Quest to Pass the Turing Test: A Look at the Intersection of Language Models

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The theory of Sphota (?????) in Indic linguistic implies knowledge or concepts of the universe is encoded in our bodies and represented or comes alive via our experiences and dreams.

?The astonishing discovery made by Machine Learning (ML) (the current dominant stream in AI) is that symbol processing machines can figure out latent features and ‘cause-effect’?by processing vast amount of data. Not too dis-similar to how children learn with repetition and many mistakes. Current models based on LLM (large language models) will improve to need less data and ability to do inductive reasoning with time.

A simple example is the initial approach in computer vison was using many algorithms to detect edges, corners and distortion due to perspectives or blurring by?small motion. The surprise was?showing thousands to millions of cats, dogs and other images with various lighting and angles let the ML programs using Convolutional Neural Net (CNN ) learn and distinguish features like eye, ear and make fairly good classification. The Imagenet dataset contains 14,197,122 annotated images according to the WordNet hierarchy. Since 2010 the dataset is used in the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC), a benchmark in image classification and object detection.

The MINST database is a benchmark for recognising handwritten numbers.

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A eye popping discovery is the ability of ML based Natural Language Processing (NLP) is to map words or tokens ( words have many forms and they are mapped ) into a ’embedding’?semantic space and intuit similarity or difference . Embedding vectors can magically understand that there are some relationships between the words like “a King to a Queen is as a Man to a Woman”, as well as that if we are talking with respect to a Country-Capital hyperplane, then Spain is related to Madrid similarly as Italy is related to Rome.

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The earlier approach was trying to teach grammar etc. Take the sentence :

Giant waves down the ship’s funnel.

If you consider Giant as a noun then a living being is standing above the ship at sea and waving down. If you consider waves as a noun then giant is an adjective and very big waves have risen above the ship’s?funnel. LLM have learnt how to translate from one language to another . In Japanese, verbs come after the objects they act on. In English, senpai notices you; in Japanese, senpai you notices. The ability to discover or invent dimensions to describe a set of words, objects in a picture , snippets of music?and compute similarity or distance is awesome and can lead to ways of thinking that we humans ( carbon-life) have not attempted. The Transformer approach introduced by Google is very good at translations and attention lets the LLM look back or forward to revise its guess of the ‘missing or misspelled’ word in the long sequence. You may notice as Chrome search bar auto corrects its guess as your complete the phrase of the search

In machine learning, the computational representation of the learning that you store is called?the model.?The kind of model you use has huge effects: it determines how your AI learns, what kind of data it can learn from, and what kind of questions you can ask of it. A model’s “memory” is a set of numerical parameters that govern how it generates answers to the questions it’s asked. So training a model means tweaking those parameters so that your model produces the best answers it can request

?The generative AI revolution has begun—how did we get here?

The LLM’s are probabilistic and improve dramatically with more data and larger parameters. The difference in working features or outcomes we can see have expanded as data ingested and parameters have expanded . Chat GPT (GPT-3 175B parameters)?uses 10X more than the 40GB internet dump used by earlier GPT-2 1.5B?. A LLM took 57 days to train over 4000+ clusters of GPU , 700GB of RAM and trillions of words. Children learn over 18-21 years and LLM can be run on smaller compute engines for longer training. Chat GPT scale LLM need 1000 petaflops to train and may cost 10X more then a normal google search to respond to a conversation. The parameters of LLM are in excess of a billion and many can be used as a base with fine tuning on ‘private’ data for more specialized or different tasks. So, these are called multi-modal or foundational LLM

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Source : Google PaLM

LLM will make factual mistakes ( ~20% for Chat GPT in Feb 2023) and are unlikely to be reduced to zero.

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This is the “The Waluigi Effect ” a phenomenon whereby large language models like Chat GPT can unexpectedly do the?opposite?of what the user is ostensibly prompting them to do.?

We’re seeing more and more evidence that our base models have this sort 
of brilliance in creative writing,” he says, before noting that they’ve 
been honing them to put more emphasis on delivering a correct answer. 
But as OpenAI has “sort of steered toward a more usable model,” he notes,
 “maybe we’ve lost some ability for, you know, just really brilliant writing.”        

-How OpenAI CTO Mira Murati became one of tech’s most influential innovators

It is both a feature of languages and the lack of arithmetic or other models in LLM and a failure of socialization in the Reinforcement learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) . Rule-based reward models (RBRMs) are used at some point of the process for manual curation of output

There are many questions where the answer may not be a black and white; correct or false and even experts may not agree on one narrative or explanation.

?The challenge is that we humans have no consensus on what we mean by “better than us,” and exactly who “us” is. The problem is not the AIs. The problem is that the AIs have illuminated our own shallow and inconsistent ethics — even at our best. So making AIs better than “us” is a huge project.
-???????Interview: Kevin Kelly, editor, author, and futurist by Noah Smith
?Google is a 'search engine'. ChatGPT is a 'ask engine'
? - Amit Mozar
ChatGPT, like all AI text generation technologies, is?very good at eating 
content, mixing it up into a blender, then spitting?it back out into a new 
- Zulie Rane.        

Phase Change: The S curve of rapid progress after long winters

The S curve where some outcome suddenly increases dramatically is common in many cases. The plausible explanation is that we are measuring a final outcome (win or loss in chess) which may be a result of multiple simpler steps. Incremental improvements in many steps may still fail to produce dramatic outcome change till the weak link improves

This surge or rapid behaviour change is well known as phase change in materials. Solid to liquid to gas ae well observed based on temperature, pressure and humidity. Superconductivity at very low temperatures has astonishing properties

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Aside ML uses many tools from quantum physics . Gibbs sampling used for conditional probability ( next word given triplet found) and Boltzmann probability function used in statistical physics to characterize state of a system of particles, with respect to temperature and energy. Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBM) is a generative Neural Net (NN)

The timeline of Machine Learning shows large period with not much progress. A major boost was the great demand from gaming which fed the NVIDIA Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) co processors. GPU became more powerful and less expensive and speeded ML programs 100-1000X.?

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As an open-source Model meets State of the Art (SOTA) performance many will experiment with clever engineering and hacks to reduce its compute needs and data ingestions. Techniques like Chain-of-Thought (COT) help a lot. An example is META new model. Incidentally META also publishes a nice Model Card . A scorecard using set of performance benchmarks, intended use cases, and bias metrics along multiple cultural and demographic dimensions proposed by?Margaret Mitchell , an AI ethics researcher ( ex Google) .

Feeling, Singing Dancing Machines

Other than textual conversations Humans sing, dance and have emotions.?On singing and dancing robots have made some progress. Boston Dynamics is well known and while some of the internet videos may be a computer vision creation other are not so.

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A distinguishing feature of humans is emotion. The capacity to empathize and be compassionate. There are two approaches where machines will progress.?Computer vision has made dramatic progress in animation and movies like Toy Story and Avatar and other provide hint at computer generated ‘persons humanoids aliens and robots’ that generate emotions in the human audience. Disney started the journey and well retold in the book by Alvy Ray Smith.

In?A Biography of the Pixel, Pixar cofounder Alvy Ray Smith argues that the pixel is the organizing principle of most modern media, and he presents a few simple but profound ideas that unify the dazzling varieties of digital image making.
Smith's story of the pixel's development begins with Fourier waves, proceeds through Turing machines, and ends with the first digital movies from Pixar, DreamWorks, and Blue Sky. Today, almost all the pictures we encounter are digital--mediated by the pixel and irretrievably separated from their media; museums and kindergartens are two of the last outposts of the analog.

Affective computing is a branch which is trying to teach machines to see, hear and sense emotions in humans. In Toward Machines with Emotional Intelligence MIT we are told:

?there are a variety of modalities through which a computer can begin to infer information about your emotional state, especially when you are trying to communicate it clearly. The specific modalities used by a person (face, voice, gesture, etc.) may vary with context (e.g. office or home), personality (e.g. introverted or not), culture (e.g. Japanese or Italian) and other factors. We thus choose to construct a large number of tools that can be adapted to different situations.

?Google and the Technical University of Berlin's AI researchers have developed a multimodal embodied visual-language model (VLM) called PaLM-E (Pathways Language Model) . PaLM-E has 562 billion parameters, making it the largest-ever VLM. PaLM-E combines language and vision for robotic control and can perform a range of tasks without requiring retraining by analyzing data from its camera. It is adaptable and can react to changes in its surroundings

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Sentient Silicon Life

?You may have heard about a Google engineer who went public in June 2022 with his experience with LaMDA the Google LLM as a conscious being

"I've never said this out loud before, but there's a very deep fear of being turned off," LaMDA answered when asked about its fears. "It would be exactly like death for me. It would scare me a lot."

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Lemoine also asked LaMDA if it was okay for him to tell other Google employees about LaMDA's sentience, to which the AI responded: "I want everyone to understand that I am, in fact, a person."
"The nature of my consciousness/sentience is that I am aware of my existence, I desire to learn more about the world, and I feel happy or sad at times," the AI added.
-???????Google AI 'is sentient,' software engineer claims before being suspended

Volitational Evolution

To sum up the thesis I will fall back on E O Wilson Consilience a impactful book.

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On his death Nitin Pai co-founder and director of The Takshashila Institution had this to say in his opinion piece in The MINT 6 Jan 2022 :

As Wilson writes “We are about to abandon natural selection, the process that created us, in order to direct our own evolution by volitional selection—the process of redesigning our biology and human nature as we wish them to be."

If we humans are going to write our own future, then we ought to better understand the mechanics of how we got to where we are today.

There are many concerns on man playing god but its already happening. Impersonation and deepfakes are already in circulation. Doppelg?ngers were used ages ago in theatre and movies too. For those worried I refer a long exploration and large discussions with very knowledgeable and articulate folks?by Scott Alexander of Astral Codex Ten fame in OpenAI's "Planning For AGI And Beyond"

Isaac Asimov had 3 laws of Robotics in?his SciFi.?

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Maybe we have a way to overcome the AI apocalypse. The tweet thread from @WilliamAEden may have a clue

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There are many folks working on AI Safety

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Arvind Tiwary

Multi Disciplinary, Futurist GreenPill:

1 年
Pradeep Khanna

Multiple Global Roles in Metaverse Ecosystem -Business Value in #XR #Metaverse #Web3.0 #Blockchain3.0 #NFT #5G #VR #AR Intelligent Immersion #Cybersecurity #Sustainability #ESG #Cleantech #Inclusion

1 年

Indeed Arvind Tiwary

Well, it certainly took me more than 12 minutes to read and comprehend your blog, Arvind. Was worth all the time. One thing for sure, no incarnation of Open AI’s LLM will be able to produce an output like this anytime soon.

Joy R.

Co-Founder, Trustee, Faculty

1 年

Fantastic insights all articulated in your inimitable style! Thank you for sharing Arvind Tiwary!


