Chat AI - Is Google Truly Threatened?
Uchenna Duru
| L&D_Specialist_Assessor_Evaluator_Trainer_Engineer | AI_Prompt_Writer | Email_Copywriter | Digital_Marketer |
With recent rises in the global adoption of language-generative AI and other variants of conversational chatbots (thanks or no thanks to OpenAI's ChatGPT), it becomes unavoidable to reason along the possibility that the clear leader in this AI space, Google, may be under threat.
Some already have been vocal in saying that Google is flailing given the excitement GPT-4 is already generating in addition to the case of its predecessors as they appear stealing the show from Google.
Regardless of which side of the debate you may find yourself on, the views you hold will always belong to one side of the matter.
One thing is clear! Google has come a long way in this game to be floored.
This is because Google already had a strong grounding in the field of language generative chatbots long before the advent of ChatGPT which is still now only in its early stages of development, the fanfare notwithstanding.
So, one can really say that ChatGPT is still a long way from being able to compete with Google's leading language-generative chatbots.
Admittedly, let's just say Google, perhaps, spent ample time hero-worshipping Google's Virtual Assistant as if nothing else mattered while its competitors joined hands in raising their pitchforks.
In the eyes of history, Google, perhaps sold out a birthright when, in 2017, during Google researchers' publishing of the paper, “Attention is all you need...”, they introduced the concept of the transformer...declaring, "You don’t need to know the technical side of it (and indeed I am not the one to teach you), but it has been enormously influential and empowering; let it suffice to say that it’s the T in GPT."
It then begs the question, why did Google give away such a powerful tip so carelessly?freely?
Some have also expressed concerns about the fate of SEO in the face of the AI wars. Search Engine Optimization can only come out of it all better in delivering value to netizens.
Notwithstanding, it is far more reasonable to say that ChatGPT cannot be a threat to Google's leading role in language-generative chatbots.
One piece of advice for Google though, the best time to stamp your authority is when you are threatened.
Trusting Google once again to recoil into its creative and innovative shell as it often does and let the world enjoy the best-ever evolution of AI.
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