Chasing the Spirit of Potential!

Chasing the Spirit of Potential!

?Potential, O’potential! Why do you elude me thus?

Why is thou a mystery?

I sense you so close, and yet cannot see you day and night...

I chase you in the training halls,

I chase you in the online learning modules,

I chase you with new degrees,

& I assert you with more certificates!

But O’ spirit of potential, why do I still feel a vacuum?

All I end up with is this constant tension of not being, who I know somewhere within, I can be!

The poetry conveys when the prose fails to.

Exploring Potential & its Possibilities!

The books and various experts say a lot about bringing out the hidden #potential within us. Maybe they talk from #experience, or from the science of it, or from theories which have been descending with time. I chose to write about this subject experientially explored and put into #action. The most #fundamental fact about Potential, which seems obvious, but we tend to forget this from time to time, is it is an inward-looking process. The tendency of the senses along with the #mind to look for everything we need, outside, doesn’t work so well when we wish to know our own Potential! Yes, the necessary assistance to #learn new things, acquire #knowledge, etc. can be taken from the world around us. However, the #assimilation, #incorporation, and final #integration to bring forth this hidden potential is a deeply internal process, and one needs to put their heart and soul into it to see it #manifest in their own reality. One needs to #commit to one’s own self and keep up those commitments.

Highlighted below are a few subtle steps which act as #catalysts in realizing one’s true and full potential. These steps may or may not have been debated by the experts. As mentioned earlier, it is an experiential narration.

?Step 1 - Self-belief in My Potential

This sounds like the easiest step. It is ‘Self’ belief after all. All I have to do is believe that I have the potential, 'something bigger and better', hidden within me. No! it is not just the most difficult step, but also the greatest obstacle which comes in every step of the way. Reason? the mind is conditioned, voluntarily, or not, to believe otherwise! The outward-looking senses are constantly absorbing things from the environment and conclude that ‘I don’t have it in me what is required to be better than what I am now.’ And there is continuous #reinforcement of these and similar thoughts day in and day out. It needs a very strong-willed mind to rise above this, have #self-belief and remain risen in that state. For the not so strong-willed; self-doubt prevails, and self-belief only gives an #appearance in life as and when one is #validated by this world. What a tragedy! The greatest living being, the Human, living in self-doubt!

The ray of hope is; time and again, there come those events, people, and things in our life which help us turn those outward-looking senses, inward. Within us, inward is where our potential lies. If you can’t begin to look inward yourself, then seek the company of those people, those events, or those things which through their words and actions make you look inward. This is where the process of personal unfolding begins.

Step 2 - Identifying the potential

?Once armed with the belief that one has more potential than what is manifested at present, the process of #seeking the same begins. One simple formula I have learned in seeking is to seek through what is available to me easily at present. Gradually the seeking gets deeper, more #meaningful, more #applicable to the aspirations, and more profound. But, in search of the most profound in the beginning itself carries the risk of losing any momentum gained. Hence, seeking what is at arm’s length, believable and available, seems to be the best way to go. This is where reading (learning, a.k.a. acquiring new knowledge) in the areas of interest and aspirations, comes in handy. Another thing helpful is the company of people who reflect our aspirations in some sense. Practically speaking we may not always attain this company easily. Hence, meaningful documentaries, articles, social media, and even related movies could be a source of seeking. Reiterating, 'keep in mind to begin seeking through what is easily available.' As someone great once said, we just move from ‘lower truths to higher truths, nothing is false!’ So seek your truth with that which is available to you right now and keep benchmarking it against the sense of aspiration you have. A time will come when something resonates so strongly within you, that your efforts will begin to get single-pointed. That single pointedness will be the source of identifying the tip of the iceberg of the potential you have lying within. #Clarity in the mind will enhance like never before, and you will with all you have got, pursue to bring this hidden potential out in the light!

?Step 3 - Increasing capacity to take on additional work/activity

?Now, begins the actual effort. Equipped with belief and an idea of the dormant potential, one has to adopt newer ways of handling their days (life.) With these new #intentions set in mind, one will begin to spot new #opportunities to explore it further. This will require one to expand their internal #capacity and to an extent change their way of living as well. Very simple examples to illustrate this: Your day begins at 8 a.m. You get up, get ready, get to work, and sleep by 11:30 p.m. Now, this new opportunity requires you to spend at least an undisturbed hour every day exploring it in completeness. What do you do? You commit! Commit to beginning your day at 7 a.m. You commit to leaving the older way of thinking that this sleep lost for an hour will spoil your day, you commit to be consistent with your new commitment. This way you increase your internal capacity #consciously. This increased capacity will directly aid in your #journey of potential #discovery. One commitment will eventually lead to another, and you will be surprised at how much capacity you already have within you to do so much more for yourself! And, This will be the First Indication of your hidden Potential! This Increased Capacity itself! Thus, reinforcing your self-belief and also bringing more clarity to your aspirations.

Step 4 - Testing this Potential

This is where the biggest obstacle (step 1) will come into play and snare bare its teeth again. With increased capacity and a better grasp of your aspirations will find yourself spotting avenues to put this into #practice, to shine light on this potential and to share it with the world. This spotting of avenues will be natural, and simultaneously also will be the Self-doubt. Why, one can ask? The reason is that the previously hidden potential has not been put to use till now! The mind believes what the senses show. The senses haven't yet acted on what you have discovered within you. It is just a logical reason. Hence, this is one of the reasons the mind holds on to self-doubt tightly. As it has not been exposed to an alternate state till now. So what do you do? Give-up? You have come this far, this itself has taken all efforts and madness to go against your natural instincts from seeking outside to seeking within. So, give up when this ‘within’ wants to manifest ‘out’? Not at all! You prepare! You prepare your nerves to support you when you go on to fulfil the new endeavour. You use the same increased capacity to handle unpredictable circumstances. You use the new learning acquired to give this opportunity your best shot. You get ready to enforce this newfound will in this journey till now. You commit to act in spite of self-doubt! This test of the potential may come in later or early in the journey. Your preparation, increased capacity, and intention to uncover your potential will be the deciding factor whether you are ready to appear for the test or not. If you are not ready, you pause! You don’t give up. You strive! Keep in mind, that it is not a linear process. Growth achieved through uncovered potential does not happen in a straight line!

Step 5 - Potential Manifests

Increased capacity, showing up consistently testing the new potential, seeing changes in yourself gradually, and having better self-restraint, are just a few indications of the hidden potential being manifested in your reality. And this is just the beginning!

Step 0 - One mind-one potential

‘0’ because this needs to be a basic understanding. When you see your Potential manifest, the lines of demarcation between small/big, significant/insignificant things, and events in life begin to fade away. You find yourself unconsciously giving your best (your Potential) no matter what you undertake. The best may or may not be a ‘defined’ best as per the world around you. But you will know you haven’t left a stone unturned to do justice to what you have undertaken. It gives you contentment knowing this. You also begin to actively think about how something in your life can be its best with your contribution. A feeling of fulfilment which is not backed by external validation starts to make its way into your life.

Here is a risk involved too: What happens when you discard the idea of not using your full potential in specific areas of your life? When you do this you are training your mind not to manifest its potential fully. You apply the brakes along with the accelerator when you discard or become selective in being your best. We think we can pick and choose to do our best only as per the amount of gratification we get for it. Whereas we forget that we have one mind, and it is the same mind which is getting trained. Due to this, we may lose the momentum of this newly discovered potential and begin to blame the ‘ideal’ instead! Hence one-mind-one-potential is the fundamental understanding. And if at all we are working only for external gratification, an internal seeking of the true potential is not required! We can rely on the quick fixes provided by the world for the same in this case.

What follows?

Once you start getting glimpses of who you can really be in this journey of self-discovery, the following can happen as a result:

-?????? Constant striving to become better (from an internal Potential perspective, not relative/comparative to the world). It will be a healthy striving and not an exhaustive one.

-?????? You will begin setting higher ideals for yourself

-?????? There will be an increased capacity to attain those ideals

-?????? More contentment will be the result

-?????? Which in turn will further increase mental capacity and other personal benefits

-?????? You will not be easily shaken by the blows of the world or will come to a neutral state more easily

And this new, improved and highly preferred journey goes on…

A thing to note here is, that in a single read, it looks like an exhaustive way of living. It looks like there is no time for rest, no indulgences. It looks like a loop of endless desires and struggling to attain those desires. But, in reality, it is completely opposite this!

When one is relentless in discovering their true potential, the definition of Rest and Indulgence changes! Stealing an hour here and there to learn more about the subject of aspiration would begin to look like an indulgence. Solitude for contemplating your own potential would begin to look like rest. Endless desiring is when the mind is constantly seeking from the world, whereas in the journey of unfolding one’s Potential, one finds the limitless heaps of treasure within oneself, leading to unhinged contentment. One gets content giving their absolute best they can to the world and expects nothing in return. What can one expect when they already hold a treasure trove within? It may sound like a feel-good statement to read and then to be ignored as an ideal. The truth is this statement cannot be appreciated unless it is experienced. And, for experience, one has to commit and put in the required work. There is no other way!

?In conclusion, it is not the chasing of the Spirit of Potential outwardly that will help me attain it. It is the pursuit within me to discover this Spirit of Potential, that will help me realize it!


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