"Chasing our Cures using Patient Centered Medicine"? Seminar on September 11 at 2.30PM EST

"Chasing our Cures using Patient Centered Medicine" Seminar on September 11 at 2.30PM EST

A patient co-author and kidney cancer survivor, Bill Paseman, is presenting an intriguing Clemson University seminar on September 11.

Bill is trying to put the patient in the translational research workflow by enabling genomic data sharing (including his!). Bill is well connected and very animated and has inspired my group to elevate our training and biomedical research to new levels.

Here are the coordinates:

Clemson University Genetics & Biochemistry Department Seminar Series

Title: "Chasing our Cures using Patient Centered Medicine"

Speaker: Bill Paseman, Paseman and Associates & rarekidneycancer.org

Date: Friday, September 11, 2020

Time: 2:30pm-3:30pm EST

Location: (Zoom Meeting) https://clemson.zoom.us/j/95540093945?pwd=UWxaOXBJU0F3em13MkZQZlhFMS90Zz09

Meeting ID: 955 4009 3945

Passcode: 816990

Host Contact: Alex Feltus [email protected]


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