Chasing Kindness

Chasing Kindness

In my attempt to grasp this ever-shifting world, my thoughts consistently circle back to the concept of love, wondering where it has vanished to. Did we simply wake up one day and decide it's unnecessary? As we pass lonely pedestrians on the streets who no longer seem to "fit" society's mold, we persist in our daily routines, rarely pausing to question their life story. It seems as though inquisitive minds are no longer in the present as it left its essence in the historical past, only to reemerge in the face of catastrophe or poignant stories or better yet to view on our cellphone screens.

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"We capture silent snapshots of ordinary individuals in unordinary predicaments, with images only to be shared, swiped, and reposted devoid of empathy. Pausing to question if this started in the 90's when cuss words on TV became a thing?"

Understanding that it cost zero dollars to be nice to someone and zero dollars to wish someone well, is the least we can do to in an attempt to change the narrative in someone's day; compassion is harnessed when we show random acts of kindness to the unexpected.

As we grow to change let's ensure that our hearts remain open and intentional remembering that compassion is being vulnerable, kindness is doing things with sincerity and empathy is caring without judgment.

Author: Cherece Burston


