Charlottesville vs Gainesville: Ancient Wisdom/Modern Application

Charlottesville vs Gainesville: Ancient Wisdom/Modern Application

Over the weekend I saw BlackkKlansman in which the ending depicts the Charlottesville tragedy. Why was it that when Richard Spencer marched on Charlottesville was there a tragedy, and when his AltRight group that shall not be named marched on Gainesville, Florida a couple of months later, his march went mostly noticed.

The key to the success of comes from the ancient Jewish word  ?????? (Olam) which has the same root letters as Olam, like Tikkun Olam, or repair the world. The word to ignore in Hebrew is  ????????????  . So what does ignoring have to do with world and our efforts to repair the world? Many times, there is a time to fight back, and there is a time to ignore. In this instance ignoring the haters and racists yielded the desired results.

With the hate that is being spread currently, whatever hate it may be, how and what should we ignore? Or at least can we ask the question can I ignore this?   


