Charlie Brown: The Merciless Destroyer
Lindsey Anderson
Netflix S1 The Trust. Social Media Expert. CEO of The BAM Agency. Speaker. Best Selling Author. Top Podcast Host.
That’s Grandma Anderson’s Aluminum Christmas Tree.
She bought it in 1965. The original box, instructions, and packing material have spent the last 40+ years marinating in that musky “I’m older than dirt” smell.
I have endless warm-and-cozy Christmas memories of helping my grandparents assemble this masterpiece, but thanks to Charlie Brown, few people get to experience the twirling, vibrant aura of a classic Aluminum Christmas Tree.
Yep. Remember that scene in “A Charlie Brown Christmas” when he turns his back on consumerism and instead of honoring Lucy’s wish of “getting the biggest aluminum tree you can find,” he opts to embrace the true spirit of Christmas and buys the scrappiest of little green trees? (Awwww, I love that part!)
Well, a little known fact about this wholesome scene is that before the eyes of every wide-eyed innocent child watching, this brushoff mercilessly destroyed an ENTIRE INDUSTRY! (Not so cute anymore now, is it?!)
Charlie Brown’s critical decision to label this type of tree as a symbol of everything Christmas SHOULDN’T be made its way into the psyche of American households with a TV.
And people STOPPED buying. RIP TREE. R. I. P.
Now, I don’t know what happened to the inventors of the Aluminum Christmas Tree, but I do know that these “Charlie Brown Christmas” moments are bound to occur as you grow your online coaching business.
... A big client cancels
... Your launch totally BOMBS
… Your trusted employee quits
… Your ad account gets shut down
These moments are unexpected, terrifying, and painful.
So what do you do when Charlie Brown interferes in your business and sends you into a whirlwind of negative thoughts, self-doubt, and fear?
Acknowledge these things are going to happen.
Take time to honor your feelings about the situation.
Fail forward.
Determine your next course of action.
Take the next step.
From my experience, there is no way around these tormenting predicaments. In fact, to achieve success, they are a REQUIRED part of the journey. Appreciate them, learn from them, and know they play a critical role in determining who you (and your business) will become.