Charity Virtual Scotch Tasting with NFL Players

Charity Virtual Scotch Tasting with NFL Players

You’ll be hosted by Brandon McManus and a handful of NFL players for a once in a lifetime virtual event! Your donation of any denomination to Project McManus enters you for an opportunity to win one of 12 exclusive spots. Visit to donate today! Each winner will receive three Dewar's scotchs and a complete tasting kit, touch-less delivered to your doorstep. Your donation supports at-risk and underprivileged youth by providing programs and events that are centered around maximizing their resources, education, and overall well-being.

Event will be hosted via Zoom by Dewar's Brand Ambassador Gabe Cardarella on Friday, July 17th at 6pm (MST). Call Mark Dismuke at 720.684.5650 or email [email protected] for more details. This event is proudly brought to you by the monetary support of ONEflight International Private Jets, Jing Restaurants (Aspen-Denver-Las Vegas), and Dewar's .


