Charity rewards you in so many ways
Stuart Mitchell ??
Director (Catch the MICE, Intelligo & SDCM Consulting) | Event-Industry Connector | Sales & Commercial Strategist | Event Tech Specialist | Public Speaker & Mental Health Advocate
"Foolish, selfish people are always thinking of themselves and the result is always negative. Wise persons think of others, helping them as much as they can, and the result is happiness. Love and compassion are beneficial both for you and others. Through your kindness to others, your mind and heart will open to peace" Dalai Lama
So why post this today?…..
It’s the start of a beautiful sunny Easter Bank Holiday weekend and I’m not quite yet outside enjoying it, instead I’m catching up with some admin to make sure my #charity stewarding team are full organised ready for #Glastonbury #Festival later this summer.
Glastonbury Festival feels somewhat of a second home to me. I grew up in Somerset and first went in my early teens. Since then, I have been an avid Glasto fan for almost all of my life, attending every year that I could get at ticket (and some when I could not!). It’s also become a family affair, as my sister and brother-in-law assist with the management of the Kids Field and my (not so little) nieces have been every year since the eldest one (now 16!) was a bump – so it’s really a big family gathering.
For the past decade I have been my father’s wing-man as a charity steward (stewarding for Rotary International to raise money for #charity). More by default than design, I have now become their team leader and now manage the stewarding team on their behalf (despite being based up in Manchester). I guess this might have something to do with my management experience at large stadia (the Oval, Lords, Wembley Stadium) as well as music venues and exhibition venues during my career.
#Eventsprofs busman's holiday
Each year I take an #eventprofs busman’s holiday, and take a week off to attend #Glastonbury #Festival to support with the organisation and the running of an area of the festival. Our charity team are a well-established and well-respected brigade of volunteers (of all ages) who have been bringing their life experience to Glastonbury for years to ensure everyone has an incredible experience. Our team have enjoyed lots of additional responsibilities and challenges, but perhaps one of the most memorable and unexpected, was supporting the Dalai Lama when he visited a couple of years ago – something I will NEVER forget.
As stewards, we are really the eyes and ears of the festival, much like the Game Makers at the Olympics. We are there to make sure everyone has a fun and safe time, so my team have to be aware of potential risk situations and look after people who may have over indulged (on whatever) and when necessary, provide assistance and manage the situation accordingly.
This year we have a slightly larger group and we’ll be stewarding the pretty lively area which is the South East Corner (ie the all-night party zone, where 10’s of thousands of party-goes head to once the main stages have finished for the day). If you’re going please say hello to anyone in a high-vis jacket, it could be one of our volunteer team.
We work long hours during our time at the festival often through the night, it’s astounding how cold it can get in mid-summer at 5am in the morning! BUT, we absolutely love it! The team spirit is phenomenal, knowing that we’re helping people and being part of their festival experience is so rewarding. As an added bonus, thanks to @Glastonbury Festival Events Limited the hours we work, translates into cold hard cash for Rotary’s nominated charity – we have raised almost £50K for hospices in the SW in recent years.
It is true “Love and compassion are beneficial both for you and others”.
The charity work that we do cleanses all those involved, it shakes off all the negativity that you experience in every day life. The festival is an amazing healer (even at 5am in the cold, rain and mud!) its’ like being in a bubble of ‘can-do’ positivity and us volunteers get back so much more that you’d ever imagine.
Helping people is good for the soul – there needs to be more of it in day to day life. At Glastonbury there is so much goodwill flowing it becomes infectious and flourishes. It sounds like ‘hippy-speak’ but it’s true, the vibe is amazing with so many different people of differing ages and backgrounds all together having a good time and enjoying life; it’s so difficult to describe until you experience it first-hand.
You MUST Listen to how the Dali Lama summed up his experience. Click the link below it is very true (and honest):
In Summary:
This little bit of time invested on a bank holiday weekend ensures that our charity healing fix - which mutually benefit so many, will be on-schedule for #Glasto19. 67 days and counting – we hope to see you there; come, say hello and share a little happiness.
"Through your kindness to others, your mind and heart will open to peace"
Happy Easter to you all