Charity News June 2023
Charity News
Specialist HR, Employment Law and Recruitment Advice for Your Charitable Organisation
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Welcome to our June 2023 edition of Charity News
Welcome to the June edition of Charity News. This month we’re looking to the future and considering who our future leaders are.
Who is your next leader?
It’s vital that charities consider their future plans, look to who their future leaders may be, and make sure there are plans in place to ensure organisations are sustainable, as after all; charities can only be as effective as those who are leading them.?Future-proofing your charity must start now and it’s key to have those conversations as leaders whether you’re in senior leadership or a trustee.
Why invest in future leaders?
If every organisation pledges to invest in their future leaders then not only will you get better leaders in the interim, but create a culmination of exceptional future leaders as a whole for the third sector, and encourage working in the sector as a successful choice of career with progressive opportunity and options.
As well as creating a more sustainable sector, after research recently published revealed that 46% of fundraisers plan to leave their current role within the next two years (more on that by Civil Society Media?here), and current statistics show that 53% of the jobs available in the voluntary sector are hard to fill roles – something has to be done to protect the sector’s future; and more importantly the futures of beneficiaries.
Emerging leaders will bring fresh perspectives, new ideas and approaches to working, and will drive positive change. By developing the skills and knowledge of emerging leaders, you will create strong and sustainable leadership teams that will adapt to change and lead them through future challenges.
How can you invest in your future leaders?
1. Make time to listen?
Listen to those who will lead in the future?what are their ideas, what training do they feel they need, and do they feel involved in the charities mission? If there is training available to allow employees to access this, there are many pots of funding available to help with the costs too.
2. Proactively engage in searching for opportunities
Proactively look for opportunities to further your team’s development – and consider everything outside of the traditional training methods including mentors, events, podcasts, and news articles, learning and engagement is very varied and there are many resources out there to help you and your employees.
3. Encourage time?
Encourage time and space to be innovative – you won’t get creative solutions to today’s problems if you’re too focused on firefighting. It’s got to be embedded within a culture.
4. Take a look at your organisation as a whole
Are your staff serving your purpose? Do you find that there are regular gaps in skills and knowledge? You may need to consider your positions to make sure you are utilising everyone’s skills. (And if you’re unsure where to start we at Bhayani can help you with this.)
5. Give opportunities to shadow current leaders
Not only will this encourage a deeper understanding of roles that may be available in the future, but it will also mean your employees gain an insight into the workings that they may not have realised are going on in positions higher up in your organisation and therefore create more strategic thinking at different levels.
It will also help your employees begin to consider progression routes and enable them the tools to start considering their own skills and knowledge gaps and they will then come to you with training and guidance they may need.
Invest now for your future
Investing in your people now by providing training, mentorship, and educational opportunities will not only help create a culture of learning and engagement in your organisation and encourage retainment of staff. But it will empower emerging leaders to continue to develop their skills and knowledge, encouraging them to be the best leaders in successful charities.
Employment Law Updates
On 24th May 2023, three new laws were given the green light to be introduced. These laws are intended to provide additional protections for parents and carers during their employment.
Charity Leaders Forum – Next dates are confirmed!
Join us for our next Charity Leaders Forum!
Our next forums will feature a workshop all around Trustees where within the interactive session we’ll cover:
? How do you identify your Trustee skills and diversity gaps?
? How do you find, and successfully recruit Trustees to your board?
? How do you get the best out of your Trustees?
? How do you remove a Trustee?
For more information and to register, click the button below.
Trustee Training: For your organisation (Skills bank eligible for between 40-60% funding!)
This charity trustee training workshop is an engaging, interactive session designed to equip trustees with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively carry out their roles and responsibilities. Providing charity trustees with essential legal and HR training to enable them to comply with law and best practice in fulfilling their duties and furthering the success of the charity.
For dates and prices contact?[email protected]
The workshop is designed to be an interactive and informative session to equip all employees from junior members of staff, members of the management team and board level-positions with an overview of the Equality Act 2010 legislation and best practice tips to prevent discrimination. It will aim to help participants to understand their responsibilities within the Act from a practical approach and HR perspective.
To find out more and book your 50% funded place email?[email protected]?*
A badly conducted investigation is often key to the failure of an unfair dismissal defence. Gain valuable insights into why an investigation-is your most powerful tool from our employment and HR professionals. We will look at how to conduct an investigation and the planning and carrying out of an investigation in accordance with the Acas Code. Register here
Understanding and being able to carry out HR responsibilities and duties is a challenge to most line managers. The obligations are vast and ever changing, driven by the-desire to lead employees effectively, the need to respond to changes in legislation properly and to manage core employee relation matters consistently. This interactive and enjoyable course provides an introductory insight into the core elements of HR and employment law, looking at the HR lifecycle.
To book your 50% funded place email?[email protected]?for more information. Spaces are limited so book now to avoid missing this funding!?*
If you’re interested in any of our courses but unsure about the pricing structure, or funding available then please don’t hesitate in getting in touch with the team via email at?[email protected]?where a member of the team can come back to you.
*?Where Skills Bank funding is available this is limited to organisations in South Yorkshire.
Free Charity Check-In!
Get in touch today for your?Free Charity Check-In!?A?member of our expert team will review the current health of your charity and provide guidance on compliance and best practice.?
Email [email protected] or call 0333 888 1360.
Charity Spotlight?
[Photo by: Green Vision Photography,?showing?Singer Jack Marshall-Over ft. Bailey Cox Dance Academy on the Crucible stage at Roundabout’s A Night at the Musicals in May]
Singing, dancing, driving, crime solving or simply launching yourself from the top of one of Sheffield’s tallest buildings…there are so many ways to support South Yorkshire youth homelessness charity Roundabout.
Coronation Street icon Wendi Peters and rising West End star Bradley Judge recently headed a fantastic evening of musical excellence at Sheffield’s Crucible Theatre, which raised £19,000 for Roundabout. But the real stars of Roundabout’s A Night at the Musicals were the singers and dancers representing the best of South Yorkshire’s community theatre talent in a show gave a sell-out audience a full programme of West End, Broadway and movie musical hits. The night was such a big hit that the show has already been booked to return to the Crucible on June 11 2024.
A Night at the Musicals, though, is just one of the many ways to support the work Roundabout does with some of South Yorkshire’s most vulnerable young people.?The charity works with more than 370 young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness every day, providing shelter, support and life skills to help them gain independence.?The Roundabout?hostel is located near London Road and provides safe accommodation for 27 young people aged 16 to 21.
The charity also supports care leavers, providing accommodation and 24/7 support as they learn all they need to live independently. But Roundabout is also strongly committed to preventing young people from becoming homeless and believes home is the best place to be if it is safe to be there. The charity’s Homeless Prevention Service offers advice and support to young people who are at risk of becoming homeless due to family relationship breakdown, work which could not take place without the generous support of the people and businesses of South Yorkshire.
The next major fundraising event for Roundabout will be Bangers & Cash challenge, which sets off in September for the German city of Munich and its famous Oktoberfest. Competitors are allowed to spend no more than £1,500 on a vehicle which is then decorated by a team major artists. The combination of the rally and the subsequent exhibition and sale of the decorated bonnets is expected to raise £100,000.
Competing teams already signed up include reigning champions SDE Group, Evolution Power Tools, Henry Boot, D&G Motor Cars, Whitehornes Estate Agents, Goo Design and Heist Brewery. And there might just be a couple of spaces left for any business looking to test their motoring skills and their fundraising initiative.?“Our new Munich route is guaranteed to test everybody’s motoring skills to the limit at the same time as raising vital awareness of youth homelessness,”?said Roundabout Fundraising Manager Emily Bush.
For non-singers or people who would rather not drive through Europe, there are many other ways to support Roundabout. The annual Christmas Quiz and Murder Mystery Evening offer a slightly more cerebral sort of fundraising challenge. Look out too for the return of the hugely popular and tasty Yorkshire Chocolate Festival in 2024.
“We are working with more young people than ever in South Yorkshire, housing and supporting them to turn their lives around so every event we host really does raise the money we need to ensure no young person needs to face homelessness,”?said Emily.
To find out more about Roundabout visit?
Guest Contributor
Each month we’re sharing useful information for the charity sector, from different providers to the sector. This month we’re hearing from esp and all about IT Security and what to consider to ensure your charity is secure.Why does my charity need to worry about IT Security?
Just like in the physical world, there are people in the digital world that want to steal and destroy things, with no thought for the damage it might do.?A layered protection approach is required.
If your charity is the least protected, it will be the one that is targeted. Below are the layers to consider. Expanded detail can be found?here.
Most hacks come via the easiest method.?That is the humans.?Unfortunately, people are the biggest threat to your IT security.?They are also the hardest element to protect against, because education takes time.?Education should begin as soon as possible, there are software tools for User Awareness training that should be considered.
Most security risks come from the internet, where most potential attackers operate.?Where the internet meets your own network is called the Perimeter.
Your perimeter needs to be protected.?Use a Firewall device that acts as a “bouncer” of sorts, stopping things from outside of your network coming to the inside of your network.?
Inside of your firewall, is your internal network.?Everything inside needs to be protected.?You should only allow access to devices that you know and trust, such as PCs and Laptops that you have purchased and configured by your IT team or that they’ve checked are OK before use.
Your PCs, Laptops, Tablets and Mobiles are known as the Endpoints which need at minimum Antivirus, Patch Management & Encryption.?Bad habits or a lack of training cause problems otherwise.
Your Endpoints have software applications (e.g. Microsoft Word & Exceland Sage or Dimensions).?At minimum protect them by installing software security updates ASAP.?
What do you need to do to protect your data??With data, it always starts with authentication & encryption.?Your data should be stored so that it’s not easy to access it, without authenticating and decrypting it.?
External review
Get someone to check your homework after implementation.?If you have an internal IT department, ask an external party to review what has been implemented.?If you have an outsourced partner such as ESP, ask another IT company to review their work.?
The Cloud
Cloud based applications and services that you utilise also need protection. Some security services have been added to most cloud services, but others require further configuration. At MINIMUM you need to implement Multi-Factor Authentication on every cloud service.?
Balance risk versus reward, implement the security features you can afford.?Some large organisations have been hacked even with almost unlimited budgets. BUT we should do what we can afford and prioritise where necessary and with expert support.
Can ESP help?
We have security events open to anyone, where you can find out more about how you should secure your systems.?For future events keep an eye on our?Eventbrite page?or get in touch via 0330 2020 101.
Case Study
Watertight HR & Legal Plan – Rotherham Federation – 17 employees
Bhayani Law has professionalised our HR procedures and has been a great addition to the Charity. Their support has enabled us to professionalise our HR processes and improved everyone’s confidence in dealing with day to day, and ad hoc occurrences.
Any new starters are now presented with a professional work environment with all necessary policies (staff handbook they worked up with us) in place, combined with a strong work ethic that now exists within an efficient team. The way in which they deliver their services is great. Bhayani Law took the time to understand our Charity and its values, were genuinely interested in how we approached our work, and dedicated a lead member of their team to support us. We have a great working relationship with Kathryn.
“Bhayani Law’s support has enabled me to focus more on the development of our Charity”
Not only have their services taken our HR?processes to another level, their support has also enabled me (CEO) to focus more on the development of our Charity safe in the knowledge that we have a solid HR foundation/base in place now. Our Charity has invested in Bhayani Law for the last 4 years, and we intend to continue with that investment in the future.
In Your Corner
If you’d like to chat more about the work we’re doing with charities, please get in touch with our Charity Engagement Partner – Charlotte Swinhoe at?[email protected]
We’d also love to hear what you’d like to see included in your charity specific newsletter so do let us know.