Charity Dinner Gala by Bretelle at 3.3.2017 Restaurant P?rssi
Nina Sabina Caballero
AI Artist | Synthographer | AICC ::Artificial Intelligence Creative Community | Creative | Fine Artist | DreamFlare AI | Luma AI | Midjourney | Pimento | Top 100 AI Art Creators and Innovators on LinkedIn | Fembot F999??
Charity Dinner Gala by Bretelle at 3.3.2017 Restaurant P?rssi charity auction for the benefit of Kiusaamista Vastaan ry.
Don't be afraid of being different; be afraid of being the same as everyone else.
Spread your wings and fly's message is to encourage each of us to be ourselves, different from the others and to accept differences in others. It takes courage to be themselves and to accept it as well as it takes courage to give space to others to be different and to flourish as they are, different. We all have the right to be ourselves and to be loved just as we are. Every human is unique. Every life is unique. Embrace the diversity. Love life and people, diversity is beautiful and richness in life.
"You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life?" ~ Rumi
Spread your wings and fly, Nina Sabina Caballero, oil on canvas, 100 x 90 cm, 2015