Charities Amendment Act 2024

Charities Amendment Act 2024

An overview of the key changes for the Charity Sector

In 2024 the Charities Amendment Act was signed into law. This is an important piece of legislation that makes a number of regulatory updates to the Charities Act, and while it will broadly be business-as-usual for registered charities, there are a number of revisions that all charities take heed of.

The Charities Regulator has issued overview of the key changes which are expected to be implemented in the coming months, as each section of the act is commenced.

The Charities (Amendment) Act 2024 contains amendments to the Charities Act 2009, the main legislation governing regulation of the charity sector.

While the Amendment Act was signed into law by the President in July 2024, each of the sections requires what is called a Commencement Order to be signed by the

Minister and laid before the Oireachtas before the section takes effect. In anticipation of this, the Charities Regulator is liaising with the Department of Rural and Community Development, to plan and prepare for the implementation of the changes.

The changes, when introduced, will enhance and strengthen the existing regulatory framework and the proportionate approach we seek to take in our function as the regulator. Many of the changes do not impact the day to day work of charities. However, there are some significant changes, for example to the permitted charitable purposes and financial regulation of the sector. In the table below, we have set out the main changes, what they mean and what charities can expect.

The link to the document can be found here.?

Collaboration Ireland offers assistance and support to all charities across the island of Ireland and has assisted a number of organisations to successfully gain their charitable status. For more information, check out our website or contact via email - [email protected]


