Charitable Gifting of Real Estate to NonProfits! How Donating Real Estate Puts Money in YOUR Pocket!!
Cami Baker
Nonprofit Fundraisers, you have 73M Babyboomers in your donor list, owning 42% of Americas RE. Let's make it EZ to donate Millions in RE RISK FREE for your mission.
Why would donating real estate be so lucrative for:
Property Owners
And dozens more professions that we will get into over time, but are focusing on the real estate people for now.
Property Owners do it for two reasons in general:
Leave a Legacy (They love the Veterans, Puppies, Homeless etc....)
Have a 100% Tax Write off typically based on the APPRAISED VALUE of the property, NOT the sales price. Nor do they have capital gains tax on the profit:)
Realtors can leverage this strategy in MANY ways. Here are three:
- More Listings, More Buyers, More Transactions, More Income (YES, I'll call "Business Building" just one of the reasons)
- This is a niche specialty that they can become known for. More Exposure, More Social Media, More Referrals, More Respect, More Credibility, More Prospecting Capability.
- Ability to attract 87% of their marketplace! That's right, 87%! This statistic is all over the internet, I'll let you google it. It's called "Cause Marketing", or in my case "Purpose Leveraged Marketing". When customers, clients and consumers are making a decision as to whom to work with..... whether it's an attorney, an insurance company, a dog walker or a Realtor..... 87% of them, who have been surveyed numerous times, say overwhelmingly that they will chose the company, product or service that is "On Purpose", doing the right thing, socially responsible, helping the community and overall a good person.
What better way to show up in the eyes of the marketplace as a do gooder than being the Realtor that gets thousands, ten's of thousands, hundreds of thousands or MILLIONS of dollars donated to the communities favorite nonprofits?
Of course, finding the properties, the ability to pull the transaction together AND how to create a "Cause Marketing Campaign" that leverages your purpose in your marketing are all things to be considered.
Fortunately there are creative, problem solving, lead generating business strategist on the case like yours truly who can answer these questions, put you in touch with the right resources and create a plan based on your specific goals.
You say you want to DOUBLE your leads, appts, listings, clients and bottom line?
You say you want to RECRUIT Top Talent to your team?
You say you want your whole office or company to have a UNIQUE SALES PROPOSITION when they are out marketing?
You say you want to DO THE RIGHT thing, be socially responsibile and leave the planet better off for your being on it (and let others know your doing that so they want to do business with you)?
You say your not a Realtor, but you'd love to do business with LOTS more of them but need a HOOK to draw them in?
Let's chat about WHO to talk to..... WHAT to say to them..... HOW to say it and make any or all of the above goals a reality for You, Your office, Your company, Your board, Your organization and YES.... YOUR Community.
The Lead Generator and Relationship Building Expert for Leaders in Real Estate
Nonprofit Fundraisers, you have 73M Babyboomers in your donor list, owning 42% of Americas RE. Let's make it EZ to donate Millions in RE RISK FREE for your mission.
4 年Bruce A. Geiss Curtis Fenn