The Charge of the Light Brigade

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Yes the Charge of the Light Brigade, in my case has nothing to do with the gallaint, but foolhardy attack on he Russians Field artillery, in the battle of Balaclava way back in october the 25th 1854, which turned out to be one of many such skirmishes of the Crimean War.

In my case I am looking into the not too distant future, when every new house will complete with it's own micro smart electrical grid. Gone will be the simple ring main, and in will come "I.O.T." [internet and other things]. The I.O.T. will control the input from the local area smart grid, and also the export of electric power from the household.

Yes I can see it now. "A cabinet full off chemical storage units, linked to the units in the electric car, all charge up by a new generation of solar cells that can produce a usable amount of electrical charge both day and night, then the small 'Egg Beater' type wind turbine mounted on the roof, with a non intrusive air source heat pump, to round off the mix.

I must now return to the Charge of the Light Brigade :- For I do not ride a horse, nor do I wave a sabre in the blazing sunlight. No my fooly hardy attack is lead by me and me alone, armed only with my ipr on my new multi fueled engine, that with a minor modification will convert 'Seawater' into fresh water, with the unique and original concept within in the said ipr. 'Bounce back' some if not most of the electrical power put in to start the explosive reaction to dissociate the fresh/seawater into into, their gases short lived plasma state, then back into clean fresh drinking water, with hot steam as a byproduct.

So there you have it the total disbelief of the Russians Artillery officers, as they watch the brave 600 charge their guns. This is now updated to me, as I charge headlong at the entrench ideas of the establishment that believe as one that, a electrite must be in place to assess the free movement of electrons/ions in electrolysis/fuel cells etc.

You are now all ask to respect my ipr when I state that " Ark should be able to then pick up a very high potential self repairing fuse, made up of a very high +v will use a ark/bridge/short between two potinationals, will allow a very high + current [amps] to discharge across the Ark that uses water as the catalyst to continually to make and break the Ark. As this is the case all water used as a catalyst, will always return to it's bulk watery state down stream, when design as a closed loop.

This article and any others that carry the byline of the author 'Richard Vere-Compton' all right reserved and ipr on this day 24/11/2019. contact email :- [email protected]



