Characteristics of open metaverse
Sanjar Mohamed Anandalayam Baby
Product | Strategy l BD | World of Career | Web3 l
Six main characteristics of open metaverse includes:
Interoperability : In a interoperable virtual worlds, a user can take out value they created inside one platform and transfer to another without barriers. Interoperability allows users to transfer assets, data etc. to another platform and sell them at value determined by open market.
Interoperability can be achieved by creating standards, protocols, and development frameworks that everyone agrees to use.
Decentralization: Decentralization controls who control those virtual worlds, assets and how are values shared. Digital ownership of digital assets and control of identity and data determines decentralization. A decentralized metaverse are controlled by no one by owned by everyone.
In a decentralized metaverse, data is immutable, verifiable and traceable.
Persistency: The metaverse is a?persistent hub which is?user definable. Persistency maintains states, layouts, digital asset placements and virtual estates etc. on continuous basis. Users or avatars can come and leave at any time. This means when a user comes back to metaverse there is some sort of continuity and not a reboot.
A persistent metaverse can create infinite monetization opportunities for artists and content creators to enrich virtual worlds, as their efforts can be rewarded without intermediaries. Persistency and possibilities to work synchronously and asynchronously is prerequisite to make Hybrid World and work more engaging.
Spatiality: A metaverse should incorporate spatial anchors to make objects inside virtual and augmented experience more persistent. The spatial anchors includes but not limited to spatial interface, space construction and character, foundation of space experience, space boundary and space transferring.
Spatial data enables users to interact with virtual objects placed in digital or virtual world in the most natural way. Spatial data makes the the virtual worlds smarter by adding context and intelligence to the experience. For instance, a user will be able to experience doppler effect in the virtual world. Spatiality provides real time collaboration more intuitive experiences.
Community-driven: Humans always have deep need to be connected to each other. In this context, metaverse s no different to real world. Metaverse also offers an opportunity to create unique, immersive brand experiences made with the community and potentially even controlled and owned by the community.
Self-sovereignty : Self-sovereignty is that that the individual remains in control over their online identity and data rather than big tech companies. Users can regain sovereignty over their identity and data using blockchain technologies and protocols such as ?zero-knowledge proofs