9) Long-Term Impact?—?Permanent Archives:
Another distinctive feature of the Internet is that information can be stored in perpetuity and yet made accessible as though the events are contemporary through a few clicks of the mouse. Instead of the concept of “skeletons in the closet,” the skeletons are now “on the door step.” The danger of libel lurking in the background to emerge in the future has been discussed and has been an important factor in damage awards in libel actions.
Compensatory damages are not confined in their scope to pecuniary losses.
See Julian Porter and David Potts, Canadian Libel Practice (Toronto: Butterworths, 1986) at 609:
“[Defamation] actions involve a money award which may put the plaintiff in a purely financial sense in a much stronger position than he was before the wrong. Not merely can he recover the estimated sum of his past and future losses, but, in case the libel, driven underground, emerges from its lurking place at some future date, he must be able to point to a sum awarded by a jury sufficient to convince a bystander of the baselessness of the charge”.
Broome v. Cassell & Co., [1972] 1 All E.R. 801 at 824 (H.L.), cited with approval in Vogel v. C.B.C. (1982), 21 C.C.L.T. 105 at 206 (B.C.S.C.):
“The jury should also take into account, as stated by Radcliffe L.J. in Associated Newspapers v. Dingle, [1962] 2 All E.R. 737 at 747 “the sad truth that no apology, retraction or withdrawal can ever be guaranteed completely to undo the harm it has done or the hurt it has caused.”
See also Ley v. Hamilton (1935), 153 L.T. 384 at 386 (H.L.), quoted by Diplock L.J. in Broome v. Cassell & Co., [1972] A.C. 1027 at 1125 (G.C.):
“It is impossible to track the scandal to know what quarters the poison may reach.”
The long-term impact of cyberlibel on reputations has been very clearly described in two UK cases and a law review article. Justice Tugendhat in Clarke t/a Elumina Iberica UK v. Bain and Anor, [2008] EWHC 2636 at paras. 54–55 stated:
“In addressing issues of proportionality, the following must be borne in mind. Defamation actions are not primarily about recovering money damages, but about vindication of a claimant’s reputation. If a successful libel claimant recovers, say, £30,000, that figure does not represent the measure of his success. In many cases, after paying his irrecoverable costs, he will be out of pocket if he recovers that amount as damages. That does not mean the litigation is not worthwhile. A claimant wrongly accused of some serious fault, such as malpractice or dishonesty in business, may well suffer very large unquantifiable loss if he does not recover his reputation. The value of the verdict in his favour is expected to consist substantially in the future loss that it is hoped will be avoided by the vindication. Where, as here, the publication complained of is on an internet news service, a verdict in his favour may provide him with a means of persuading the publishers of an archive to edit it.”
The long term effect of a libel has commonly been be expressed in metaphorical terms, such as “the propensity to percolate through underground passages and contaminate hidden springs” (e.g., Slipper v. BBC, [1991] 1 QB 283, 300). The position today can be expressed more strongly, as it was in an article published in The Guardian (by Siobhain Butterworth, on 20 October 2008):
“The consequences of putting information . . . into the public domain are more far-reaching in a world where things you say are linked to, easily passed around and can pop up if [the subject’s] name is put into a search engine by, for example, a prospective employer. The web makes a lie of the old cliché that today’s newspaper pages are tomorrow’s fish and chip wrapping. Nowadays . . . the things . . . in a newspaper are more like tattoos?—?they can be extremely difficult to get rid of.
The web is an easily searchable repository of everything published online, which makes it a very unforgiving medium. The problem is not that things can’t be removed easily, but that news organisations are inherently resistant to un-publishing. Should a newspaper website agree to un-publish on request? The answer to that question depends on what you think a newspaper’s archive is for, and whether you think it matters if there are holes where articles used to be.
The established view is that a newspaper’s online archive is a historical record and that there is therefore a strong public interest in maintaining its wholeness, unless deletions or amendments are strictly necessary.
Saying yes to all requests for the removal of material that causes the people concerned distress or hinders their employment prospects would be easier, but it’s a solution that, over time, will leave a patchy and unreliable record of what was published. It also means abandoning conventional thinking about the importance of the integrity of the archive.
A less extreme solution . . . is to replace a real name with a pseudonym and add a footnote explaining that the change has been made. It’s not ideal, but it’s preferable to re-writing history completely by deleting an article, blog post or letter and pretending that it didn’t exist.”
The same judge made similar remarks in Flood v. Times Newspapers Ltd., [2009] EWHC 2375 at para. 233 (QB):
“Whether or not the scale of a website publication, and any resulting damage, is likely to be modest compared with that of the original publication, will depend on the facts of each case. But the judgment in Loutchansky was delivered eight years ago, in 2001. Since then the use of the internet, and in particular of internet search engines, has increased. What has also increased is the amount of material on the internet. In 2001 there were relatively few years of back numbers of newspapers available on the internet. Since then each year’s publications have been added. In most cases, as time passes, the original print publication will become increasingly difficult to access, and would be forgotten. But the website publication will remain, and in some cases (where the fame of a person has increased) it may even be viewed with increasing frequency. So a person’s reputation may be “damaged forever” in the words of Lord Nicholls in Reynolds at p201 cited in para 207 above. As I remarked in another case, quoting from an article by a well known media lawyer, what is to be found on the internet may become like a tattoo (Clarke (t/a Elumina Iberica UK) v. Bain & Anor, [2008] EWHC 2636 (QB), para. 55). Some actual and prospective employers, and teachers, make checks on people by carrying out internet searches. An old defamatory publication may permanently blight a person’s prospects. This may be so, even in those cases where the allegation has been authoritatively refuted, but the refutation is either not on the internet, or, where it is on the internet, its authority is not apparent, or is not credited, on the footing that there is no smoke without fire.”
The reality of an indelible reputational stain in cyberspace even when the individuals were completely exonerated was graphically sketched by Richard Peltz in “Fifteen Minutes of Infamy: Privileged Reporting and the Problem of Perpetual Reputational Harm” (2008) 34 Ohio Northern University Law Review 717 at 718–19. Peltz examined the case of the defendants Finnerty and Seligmann, Duke University varsity lacrosse players, who were charged with rape, but the charges were dismissed before trial and the impact on their future employment opportunities:
“Imagine you are a harried hiring coordinator working for Big X Corporation. Before you sits a stack of 600 resumes, and your job today is to winnow the field by eliminating persons of dubious character. Your tool is Google, today “a commonplace part of hiring (and firing).” A candidate apparently under indictment for rape, sexual assault, and kidnapping is unlikely to make the cut. Applicants Finnerty and Seligmann will probably not get the benefit of careful reading and follow-up searches concerning their charges. Maybe they will get the benefit of your general knowledge about the news. But another applicant, a later-exonerated defendant who once made small-time news for a charge reported from the police blotter, will not have the advantage of your general knowledge.
Finnerty and Seligmann, then, have been injured in their reputations as well as in their persons through wrongful detention. They will continue to be injured in untold ways; they will not even be cognizant of the ways in which they likely will be injured. Revelation of the prosecutor’s misconduct in their extraordinary case has rendered the City of Durham vulnerable to a liability claim; at the time of this writing, Evans, Finnerty, and Seligmann have sued the City for $30 million. But the men have not sued the news media, Dilby, Findlaw, Fox, or any other outlet, for perpetuating recitation of the charges and the injuries that follow.
Meanwhile the reputational injuries to these men are perpetuated and compounded by unusual properties of new technology, such as longevity. Where yesterday’s news, before the Internet, faded into obscurity on archival tapes and yellowing paper, the Internet never forgets. The news of 2006 remains at the fingertips of the user of 2008, of 2009, and of 2020. Will the top three responsive web pages to a search in 2048 again reveal only the breaking news of Finnerty’s and Seligmann’s arrests, or will news of their later exoneration rise to the top? Distressingly, the marvelous flexibility that makes the Internet a medium superior to paper?—?e.g., the ease of hyperlinking to related content and the ability to correct and update content virtually instantaneously at nominal cost?—?is not apparently being exploited now. Whereas a newspaper morgue search would readily cross-reference the initial charge and later exoneration of a criminal defendant before the electronic era, the broad range of sources available online are not so readily indexed and cross-referenced. “
This problem is just recently in 2014 being addressed in Europe and potentially the United Kingdom as the Right to be Forgotten as a result of a seminal decision of the European Court of Justice in Strasbourg.
10) Multimedia:
The digital electronic technology of the Internet allows statements and images that defame people to emerge rapidly in various different forms. These defamatory statements can transmogrify from one medium to another either completely or partially, and with various levels of intensification or dilution in relation to the original instance. For example, digital technology allows for the simple generation of a picture of a well-known individual that has their head superimposed on Hitler, Stalin, or Osama Bin Laden’s body. In a second photo, the individual’s picture may not be superimposed on the body of one of these individuals completely, but it may have some references to them and their ruthless acts.
Recently, the South African Supreme Court of Appeal in Le Roux & Others v. Dey, [2010] ZASCA 41 at paras. 2–3 described a multimedia online defamation. The appeal related to a claim for damages by a vice-principal of a secondary school in Pretoria, South Africa. The defendants were three students at the school.
“The claims arose from these facts: the first defendant, who then was fifteen and a half and in grade 9, one evening searched the internet for pictures of gay bodybuilders. He found one. It showed two of them, both naked and their legs astride, sitting next to each other in a rather compromising position?—?a leg of the one was over a leg of the other?—?and the position of their hands was indicative of sexual activity or stimulation. He manipulated the photograph by pasting a photo of the plaintiff’s face on the face of the one bodybuilder and the face of the principal of the school onto the other. He also covered the genitals of each with pictures of the school’s badge.
He sent the manipulated photo to a friend who, in turn, sent it by cell phone to the second defendant, who was in grade 11 and 17 years old. The picture spread like fire amongst the scholars. A few days later the second defendant showed the picture to a female teacher during class and later decided to print the photo in colour and showed it around on the playground. At his behest and because he did not have the necessary ‘guts’ the third defendant, who was in the same grade and of the same age, placed the photograph prominently on the school’s notice board. A teacher saw it quite soon and removed it.”
11) Temporal Indeterminacy:
There is a tension between static concepts of existing libel law, where the past and the present are distinct, from the dynamic and fluid world of the Internet where past and present appear to merge. This is important for any issue upon which timing is based, specifically:
Notice under the Libel and Slander Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. L.12;
limitation periods;
issues of reference to the plaintiff; and
evidence of fair comment, evidence of honest belief, and also issues of contemporaneity in the statutory privileges.
Section 4 of the Libel and Slander Act discusses publications of reports of proceedings in court in a newspaper or broadcast contemporaneously with such proceedings.
Section 5 states that no action for libel in a newspaper and a broadcast lies unless the plaintiff has given notice in writing within six weeks of the alleged libel.
Section 6 states that an action for libel in a newspaper and a broadcast shall be commenced within three months after the libel has come to the knowledge of the person defamed.
In the common law of libel there are further examples. The defences of fair comment and qualified privilege refer to evidence at the time of the comment or evidence of the honest belief at the time of the statement.
The difficulty with online libel is that instantaneous retrieval blurs the real distinction between past and present?—?they are merged. If information was posted on the Internet five, ten, or fifteen years ago it can be retrieved at the same time as an item that was posted on the Internet five minutes ago.
The author, David Potts, is a Toronto barrister specializing in defamation and cyberlibel. He has been retained in hundreds of defamation actions for plaintiffs and defendants over the past 30 plus years. He assisted in the revision of a version of the jury charge used by Ontario judges in defamation actions. David Potts is the co-author of Canadian Libel Practice and Canadian Libel and Slander Actions. He is also the author of Cyberlibel: Information Warfare in the 21st Century? which will now be entitled Potts on Cyberlibel. These texts are used by judges and lawyers.
If you wish to consult with or retain David Potts as counsel in a defamation or cyberlibel matter, please contact him at [email protected].