Character Reigns Supreme......
Colin Thompson
Managing Partner Cavendish/Author/International Speaker/Mentor/Partner
The fundamental glue that holds our society together is the quality of character. It is the foundation of happy families, companies, and organisations. It assures survival, civility, and blessings of a peaceful cooperation. Your character is the crystallization of your true values and beliefs, your innermost convictions. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said with regard to character, "What you are shouts at me so loudly that I can't hear a word you say."
Everything you do in life involves a choice, a decision on your part. Because you have so many options, you are constantly choosing among alternatives, between what you value more and what you value less. Your choices and actions tell you and others what you truly value the most, or intend that reveals your character. It is only what you do at the moment of choosing, especially when you have to choose between what is right and what is expedient.
The Core Quality of Character
The core quality of character is integrity. This can be measured by how absolutely honest one is with himself and others. The depth of your integrity largely determines the strength of your commitment
"The best way to change your life and achieve minutes"
Become a no-limit person! YOU can change your life by changing the way you think about yourself and your potential. YOU will open new doors to unlimited possibilities and put yourself on the road to a better, more fulfilling professional and personal life.
Strength of character can be measured on a scale from one to ten, from lowest to highest. In addition, each separate quality or virtue can be organized on a scale of intensity from one to ten. How high a person ranks on the scale of one to ten in any particular virtue and in the measure of character overall is determined by the percentage of the time that individual practices that quality throughout his or her daily life.
Justification and Rationalization
Most people know there is something inherently wrong with taking free money, with living off the government, with being dependent and making no contribution to the society in which they live. To compensate for this deep inner feeling of unease, people who are getting something for nothing create elaborate justifications and rationales to explain to themselves, and to others, why they are entitled to this free money. Every rationale or excuse comes back to the same explanation; those people have low moral character.
The Need to Lead
The greatest need we have today, in every area, is for men and women to practice the values of integrity, discipline, responsibility, courage, and long-term perspective, both as individuals in the workplace and with their families. These are the key qualities of leadership
Action Exercise
The true mark of the superior person is that he sets high standards for himself and refuses to compromise those standards for any reason. He sees himself as a role model for others. He behaves at all times as if everyone were watching, even when no one is watching. What high standards do you want to uphold in your life and business?
"Leaders Are Made, Not Born"
Leaders have a sense of missions--vision--that uplifts, motivates and inspires men and women to heights to help them achieve that vision. Leaders make things happen.
Would you like to be able to motivate, inspire and uplift people
"There is no achievement without making goals for your success."
-?????????Colin Thompson
`The Achiever`
Sharing successful information from many sources for your success.