Character: An Art and Science

Character: An Art and Science

Yesterday, I shared on a Deeper, Cooler Leadership and I humbly encourage the read and reflect. I truly do. That said, it got me thinking to "sharpen the blades" on the articulation of the core focus of my work, especially forward.

I am fascinated with Character, Purpose and Unity... as my core three for study, practice and advancement, if you will. They are longstanding fascinations since childhood really. And... The LECturn is intent on addressing matters of Character, Temperament, Purpose, Unity, Leadership, Stoicism, Spirit and Excellence... but it begins and ends with this thing called Character. Ultimately, my work is focused on the art and science of Character. It matters and has deep meaning for me.

Character is not about perfect as a noun or destination, for that is myth. Character is about perfect as verb and journey; our best reality. It is the intent to get better and be that "work in progress", nobly.

And, Character grounds the forces, facets and faces of Temperament, Purpose, Leadership, Stoicism, Spirit and Excellence...

... and forges high functioning, practical and powerful Unity. Character driven Leadership ever strengthens all of these, and their Execution. Character impacts cool Composure and Confidence and Caring. It impacts our actions and habits. Character healthily drives us for building the practices of...

... as forces for true Strength amidst change and challenge. Character and its practice recognizes our Chief Task... and frees us to, in turn, practice our best and truest sense of Responsibility...

That said and noted... forward, I will continue to ever deeper dig into the art and science of Character-driven Leadership that inspires, educates and unites. It is timeless and timely. It goes beyond, and is foundational to, our cognitive skills. Character matters more than we often acknowledge... and in times of great change and challenge, it matters ever more.

This is lifelong Studentry for me. I hope you join with me in the exploration at home, school, work, business, play and community.

Justice, Peace and Unity...

Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy with Epic Engage

  • The LECturn is a more random initiative offering up thought for Leaducators, Emergents and Communitrepreneurs around Character, Purpose and Unity as 3 fundamental forces for leadership at home, school, work, business and community. The articles are surgical and value-driven for real time and the real-world.... drawing on a well and hard (and humbly) earned depth and breadth 44 years in leadership training and development. Core topics will include matters of Character, Temperament, Purpose, Unity, Leadership, Stoicism, Spirit and Excellence. Each "episode" will surgically offer up a value-driven thought around some idea in that Core 8.


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